I Am Now An Ortho Assistant!

May 08, 2008 18:22

Crazy, Ecstatic, Nervous and Positive! These are the feelings I have right now. This is the complete opposite to how I felt three or so weeks ago when I first heard my Dentist was relocating to Spokane.

Here's the scoop: Last Thursday the Orthodontist at the Mill Plain Willamette Dental location told me to apply for the Ortho Assistant position. After some thought I decided to apply on Friday. On Monday I got a call back from the Mill Plain manager and the Orthodontist and her team wanted to have lunch with me today to discuss things and see if I was a good fit. Today lunch went awesome and I felt like I connected with everyone there. At the end of lunch I was unofficially offered the position. And byy the end of today my current manager and my future manager worked out all the details and I was officially offered the position.

The transition: My last days at the East Vancouver Willamette Dental location with Dr. Escobar will be on May 27th and May 28th (also my doc's last days). My first day at the Mill Plain Willamette Dental location will be June 2nd.

The new doctor says she has been bouncing off the walls with excitement for me to work with her and the team. It feels so good to be sought after. I hope I do a great job working for her and learning all the necessary skills. And I can't wait for the RAISE!

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