A last few words

Jul 21, 2008 03:37

1. Hello everyone!
2. How are you?
3. 4 years ago, I climbed these stairs, walked onto the stage, and nervously looked out into a sea of faces I didn’t know.
4. Then, we had classes together.
5. Some were fun and some were not too fun, but soon we got to know each other.
6. And today, I look out at you, and see friends.
7. Now, I am returning home. It sounds very strange to say that because for the past 4 years, this HAS been my home, and it is very hard to say goodbye.
8. Before I came to Japan, I worried about how my life would be here in Japan.
9. Would I make friends?
10. Would I be able to teach students?
11. Would I be able to eat anything?
12. But, because of you I quickly became comfortable living here.
13. When I was sad, you made me happy.
14. When I was lonely, you talked to me.
15. When I was tired, you gave me energy.
16. When my lessons didn’t work, you did your best to understand me.
17. But most of all, when I didn’t know anyone, you smiled and said hello.
18. I hope you had a lot of fun, and learned some English at the same time.
19. I hope you remember the karuta, the interview and sentence making games
20. and Slime and Penguin we threw around during the bakudan game.
21. Please keep in touch with me. I have given my address in America to your homeroom teacher. If you send me a letter or email, I promise to send you one too.
22. I hope you think that you have a friend in America. I’ll see you again someday, so I won’t say, “Goodbye.” Instead, I’ll say, “See you again!”
23. And to all your brothers and sisters in high school and first year college students, please tell them I said, “Hello!” and “Good luck!”
24. And finally, please be friends with the new ALT like you were friends with me. Make him feel as welcome as you made me. But no kanchos please.
25. Hopefully, I’ll see you again at the Shirasawa Natsumatsuri! Thank you for everything you have done for me over the past 4 years.
26. Please don’t forget me. I won’t forget you.
27. Finally, I want to share with you my favorite saying.
Don’t pray for a miracle. Be the miracle.
28. この4年間、本当にお世話になりました。 See you again!
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