Heya, working uploading more of my vids, here are the rest of my harry potter ones.
This is My Idea, an old Ron/Hermione video that actually had a huge gap between verse 3 and 4 as I was waiting for movie 4 to come out on DVD. Since making this I've seen other people make Ron/Hermione vids to the same song from Swan Princess but I made this before I saw any of the others.
Neville Longbottom: In the Shadows - Made right before HP5 came out in theaters and HP7 novel was released, so... I told you so :P
oh yeah, and here's one posted at da:
http://nebulan.deviantart.com/art/Lupin-Tonks-Fanart-video-27792824 it's a lupin/tonks fanart vid I made shortly after book 6 was released.
Harry Potter is (c) JKRowling and WarnerBros