Title: A Mage and her Templar - Chapter 1
Rating: M (for this chapter)
Characters (this chapter): Amell, Cullen, Duncan, Irving, Greagoir, Jowan
Summary: If anyone had told Solona that her Harrowing would change her life so completely, she doubt she would have believed them. Takes place all through DA:O but tweaked to suit my Amell.
Disclaimer: Dragons Age and all its expansions, DLC and sequels belong to Bioware and I am in no way earning money from this story.
Author’s Note: Okay, so I’m taking liberties with my Warden. Cullen and Amell were already in a tentative relationship before Duncan arrived on the scene. Now we know the name of Amell’s mother and how he/she was taken to the circle (thanks DA2!) I will be including that in the story and may even see a meeting of the respective Hawke and Amell, as well as Amell meeting her mother, Revka, as we don’t know what happened to her in the grand scheme of things. Also... my Cullen is a tad OOC... okay more like a ‘lot’ OOC, but I liked him better this way :D
Solona Amell had completed her Harrowing less than twelve hours ago and already Jowan had introduced her to Lily, bombarded her with his pending Rite of Tranquillity, met the Warden Commander and was drawn into his foolish plan.