Oct 31, 2005 14:10
I have a quick rant to belt out about the problem with cell phones. The problem with cell phones does'nt even lie in the physical cell phone itself. Sure the piece of shit unavoidably cuts out, shuts off or other wise destroys itself, but for the most part cell phones are reliable forms of communication. The problem with cell phones lies in the social construction of the norms surrounding the damn things. Firstly, people answer cellphones every time the damn thing rings, with a devotion matched only by the poor bastard that sat in the hole in the island pushing a button every 108 minutes(i hope you watch lost). Secondly and partly an extension of the later point, people answer cell phones wherever they are, AND SOMEHOW EVERYONE THINKS ITS OK. Look around next time you are at a restaurant with someone, perhaps a date, and notice if people around you answer their cell phones in the middle of dinner and begin yacking like its going out of fucking style. Finally, and perhaps a point that lies close to my heart, when you are carrying a cellphone you are instantly expected to subscribe to the aforementioned points. If you don't answer it every time it rings you are presumed dead or indifferent. But now that we have cell phones I suppose there is no going back, and why would we want to go back to the days before cellphones? A phone connected to a wall is such a ball and chain!