As humans, we are suppose to be better than that... guess not.

May 07, 2010 11:45

I haven’t talked about this earlier.

The day that stupid law passed, a creep beat up my cousin Pepe in Phoenix. Pepe is a spic, as that fucker called him and his 3 year old daughter. Hell, they look more mexican than a taco with salsa borracha. But they are Americans. Pepe was born in 78’ in Arizona. Yet he has 14 stitches in his forehead.

When that happened I posted something here, but took it down shortly later ‘coz I realized that livejournal is no place for politics or angry posts made at the heat of the moment. I got carried away ‘cos someone called little Pina a ‘bag of spic shit’ and other wonderful expletives ‘coz she is half Latina and half African American (or whatever you guys call it these days -srsly, we don’t have that kind of designations in mexican  spanish, we all are, well, Mexicans, so if I said something wrong, by all means lemme know-).

So I’m just gonna say this.

Racial profiling is never good. That’s how things like Hitler’s ‘Final Solution’ come to happen.  And we spics will be dammed if we ever let something like that happen again; La Raza is strong ‘coz no matter where you come from, we love each other.

I’m not saying. ‘Hey, EU, open your borders to all without a regulation’, just that is no crime to be an immigrant or to be latino.

Arizona, please remember what ‘Pastures of Plenty’ says:

I've worked in your orchards of peaches and prunes
I've slept on the ground in the light of your moon
On the edge of your city you've seen us and then
We come with the dust and we go with the wind

California, Arizona, I make all your crops
Then north up to Oregon to gather your hogs
Pull the beets from your ground, cut the grapes from your vine
To set on your table your light, sparkling wine

No to the Law SB1070.

PS. I don’t know how someone who says prayed as much as the Arizona governor says she did came to the decision to approve a hate law like that.

(BTW, not using a LJ Cut 'coz it won't work for me for some reason)

social justice, mexico lindo y querido, immigration

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