Spoilery thoughts about Savior

Mar 04, 2010 00:53

I'm guessing that by this time, everybody has seen it, but just to be safe, I used the LJ cut.

And then they kissed and had 'Oh-my-God-we-still-go-it-and-you-fake-died-in-Oz' Sex!!!!

Enter at your own risk. As we say in México, 'Person that warns is no traitor'.

I'm pretty much copy- pasting my comments on every boys else's posts. I had a terrible, no good day, so bare with me.

To be honest, I'm kinda disappointed with the episode, well, not really, it was about what I expected, but fangirl that I am, I dared and dreamed of something else.

I loved all the Leeloni parts of the show that prayer scene between Stabler and Skaggs was quite homoerotic, mind ya,  and when Lee starts babling religious nonsense in the line up, he made my canolli melt. The Boys still have that chemistry thing going between them and how!, for a moment there I thought they were going to kiss. And Stabler praying with Perp!Lee, talk about gravitational pull.

Lee is very disappointed in you fangirl, and now he is gonna spank you! *Yes, please!*

Yet, I really didn't care for the rest of the episode. Too much Mariska, to little Elliot and Lee, waaaaaay to much of Mischa Barton.

In a more personal note, I didn't like the way Olivia challenged Elliot's beliefs about life and the baby, even using Baby Eli as an example to make Stabler see her point. I dunno, maybe it's 'coz I'm catholic too  and  we are raised to believe every life, no matter how difficult her/his path may be is wort saving, so...

All in all I fucking loved the interrogation scene and creepy evhol! Lee is waaaaaay too hot for his own good. Maybe, if we are lucky he can come back! ... but I'm guessing no.

Neal Bear played us good, and yes, I'm with colleendetroit in this one, they certainly underused Lee even in the  promos.  So, yeah, meh.

Well, here is where we start our fanfic from, isn't?


BTW, I want to give a very special thanks to my everloving peep sevvy23  for she was the one that helped me watch it today, sending me the torrent and because she made kick ass screen caps, like the one I'm using in this post. 

lao:svu, lee tergesen, chris meloni, oz

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