The crazyness of life.

Jan 21, 2005 16:39

Got home last Friday evening, as you probably have noticed by now. Not feeling to sure about the exams, but there's nothing to do but wait, and possibly take them again.

Was pretty knackered when I finally got back home, my parents were at the neighbours house. Isil80  (formerly Isen) and Beluga  were waiting for me, only I didn't know they were in the house, so they jumped out and scared the begesus out of me. EVIL!! We just took it easy, saw Shaun of the Dead, which I love. It's bloody brilliant! And now that I discovered that Dylan Moran is the guy playing David, just made Black Books that much better. We saw the second season of Black Books, loved it. Have found that any episode where Bernard is making food or mixing something while going mental is responsible for some of the best moments on the show. After all that Isil80 and Beluga ended up sleeping over, we just talked crap and watched telly.

Beluga  returned in the evening. We watched two episodes of Goodness Gracious Me,Beluga  and I sat chatting, finally put on Sugar & Spice, it's a extremely simple movie, but I just love the concept of a bunch of cheerleaders robbing a bank. We ended the evening with watching Episode 9 of LOST. She stayed over again.

Sunday was an even lazier day,  if you can imagine that. Watched Plunkett & Macleane, which was kind of weird, but I liked it. We also saw the first three episodes of Coupling. I love that show. Geoff is SO funny. After Beluga  left I was online, helped Isen ake a LiveJournal, she is now Isil80 , as I have already mentioned.

Had a totally bizarre experience on Monday. Was in my car waiting for the light to turn green, when suddenly the car in front of me starts backing up. The guy obviously didn't bother to look back to check if he had any cars behind him because he drove right into me. Stupid git. I pushed my horn, what did the guy do, he drove into the next lane and away. There was no damage on my car, but nobody expects someone to back into them like that. If I'd had my wits about me I'd written down his licence plate and reported him.

Yesterday Beluga and I watched episodes 10-12 of LOST, have just gotten episode 13  and started working on nr. 14. The show is strangely addictive, even though there is a story line going on right now that is testing my patience. We also found out who did the trailer track for the Sin City trailer, They're called The Servant, and I'm liking their music. Cells is the song that's on the trailer.

Think those are the headlines for now. Not much exitement, but I'm home to relax, not go bungee jumping. :)

OH! Almost forgot Alan Cumming is coming to Collectormania in the April/May weekend! I'm gonna meet Nightcrawler! Yay!

tv, lost, coupling, school, exam, car, sin city, sugar and spice, video, friends, the servant, travel, london, beluga, dylan moran, home, shaun of the dead, nightcrawler, isen, black books, movie, university, collectormania, alan cumming

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