Leaving tomorrow.

Aug 29, 2004 21:51

I'm leaving tomorrow, don't really want to. Right now, crawling behind the sofa and staying there until thursday sounds more tempting, but it'll pass.
Wish me luck Wednesday morning, I'm going to need it.

Had a quiet day today, packed my stuff and sorted some stuff.. Saw "Back to the Future, part 1". Been feeling a little nostalgic, so I just had to watch it, still get stressed at the end. Saw "Phone booth" with my dad. Mum started out watching it with us, but got bored. Dad, on the other hand, liked it.

Am bored right now, so guess what!? That's right, another me quiz, maybe you'll learn something new. Feel free to nab and use yourself. I've stolen this one from curbsideprophet. If you wanna know,

1. Kissed your cousin: No.
2. Ran away: Tried to once, but didn't get out the front door.
3. Pictured your crush naked: Don't really have a crush at the moment.
4. skipped school: Yes, but not much.
5. Broken someone's heart: *Laughs* No.
6. Been in love: Define love.
7. Cried when someone died: Stupid question!
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Who hasn't?
9. Broken a bone: My collar bone.
10. Done something embarrasing: Again; Who hasn't?
11. Lied: Uhm...yes.
12. Cried in school: Yes, but I'd rather forget.

13. Coke or Pepsi: Coke.
14. Sprite or 7UP: Sprite.
15. Girls or Guys: Men.
16. Flowers or Candy: Hmmm, haven't really thought about it. Flowers I guess.
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: Depends.
18. Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes.
19. Bitchy or Slutty: Neither really, but I think Bitchy wins.
20. Tall or Short: Who cares?
21. Pants or Shorts: Jeans.
22. Night or Day: Night.

23. What do you notice first: Eyes, smile, laugh.
25. Worst Question To Ask: Huh?

26. Showered: Tonight.
27. Stepped outside: Yesterday.
28. Had Sex:
29. Romantic memory:

30. Your Good Luck Charm: Don't really have one.
31. Person You Hate Most: Hate is such a strong word... don't think anybody's on that list at the moment.
32. Best Thing That Has Happened lately: Going west and saying hello to Ivy and her new baby boy.
33. On your desk: A hell of a mess.
34. Picture on your desktop: It's a picture from the X-Men comics. Gambit sitting in a window sill looking out over the city.
35. Color: BLUE!
36. Movie: Damn, I have so many... uhm "X-Men", "X2", "The Lord of the Rings", "Boondock Saints"...ectectect.
37. Artist: Don't have a fave artist.
38. Cars: Jeep Wrangler.
39. Ice Cream: Pistasjio. (I know it's spelled completely wrong, but I just can't seem to care.)
40. Season: Spring.
41. Breakfast Food: I don't like breakfast.
42. Makes you laugh the most: Hmmm, Beluga.
43. Makes you smile:
44. Can make you feel better no matter what:
45. Has A Crush On You: Nobody.
46. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Didn't I just answer this, no. The closest thing I have at the moment are fandoms.
47. Who Has it easier? Girls or Guys? Guys!
48. Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: Nobody.

49. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night? Nope.
50. Save AOL conversations: It happens, when it's something important or just plain funny.
51. Save E-mails: Yes.
52. Foward secret messages?: No, would never do it either!
53. Wish you were someone else: Sometimes.
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: About everytime I have my period.
55. Wear perfume: Not often, but it happens.
56. Kiss?: It's been a really long time since the last one.
57. Cuddle:
58. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: Yes, but that doesn't mean I'm at the computer the whole time.

59. Fallen for your best friend?: Once.
60. Made out with JUST a friend?: No.
61. Kissed two people in the same day?: No.
62. Had sex with two different people in the same day? No.
63. Been rejected: A long time ago, yes.
64. Been in love?: Define love.
65. Been in lust?: Heh, jup.
66. Used someone?: No.
67. Been used?: Sure did feel like it at the time.
68. Cheated on someone?: No.
69. Been cheated on?: No.
70. Been kissed?: Yes.
71. Done something you regret?: Doesn't everybody?

72. You touched?: Mum.
73. You talked to?: Mum.
74. You hugged?: Mum.
75. You instant messaged?: Benjamin
76. You kissed?: Don't remember. Yes, it's really been a looong time.
77. You yelled at?: Mum.
78. You thought about?:
79. Who text messaged you?: Isen
80. Who broke your heart?:
81. told you they loved you?:

-- DO YOU...
82. Color your hair?: Have put highlights in.
83. Have tattoos?: No!
84. Have piercings?: One in each ear.
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope, am happily single.
86. Own a webcam?: Yes.
87. Own a thong?: Nope.
88. Ever get off the damn computer?: It happens.
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: Ein bichen, ja. Aber nicht zu gut.
90. Habla espanol?: No.
91. Quack?: Attack!

92. Stolen anything?: Yes.
93. Smoke?: No! I'm not a fucking idiot!
94. Schizophrenic?: Maybe? How would I know.
95. Obsessive?: Yes.
96. Compulsive?: Perhaps?
97. Obsessive compulsive?: Don't think so.
98. Panic?: It happens.
99. Anxiety?: SO MUCH!
100. Depressed?: It happens, am on a rollercoaster ride right now.

quiz, exam, gambit, meme, friends, benjamin, london, beluga, jeep wrangler, x-men, ivy, lotr, back to the future, isen, phone booth, the boondock saints, x-men 2, parents

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