I'm really bored right now, so I thought I'd just put one of those question things in my journal... so I'd have something to do, and maybe you'd learn something new about me... not that you want to... but I'm Bored dammit!!
1. First Name: E.
2. Middle Name: "What was your name again?"
3. Last Name: G.
4. Hair Color: I'm a blonde... Dark blonde...
5. Hair Style: Straight, loose, down to my shoulders... nothing special.
6. Eye Color: Blue. Though some people claim they have gray and green in 'em... I can't see it.
7. Height: 1.72 meters.
8. Location: Right now I'm in my living room. I know that's not really the question, but I can't be bothered.
9. Birthday: 26th of March.
10. Zodiac Sign: Aries.
11. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: Does the invisible one count? Or the ones in my head?
12. Do you have a crush?: Not a real one, no. Just fandom crushes... How old am I anyway?
1. Favorite Animals: My little doggie, Dolphins, Wolves, Wolverines and a lot of others that don't come to mind right now.
2. Favorite Sports: Uhm... I liked archery, not watching it, but doing it myself. I dunno, not really into sports. Does that even count as a sport?
3. Favorite Color(s): BLUE! It is by far the most beautiful color!
4. Favorite Friend(s) Offline:
beluga, Ivy & Isen. Oh, and all the little hobbits next door, and the rugged manly guy who lives next to them (he has some anger management problems though).
5. Favorite Friend(s) Online:
tygerx and... uhm... some of the nice people who occasionally find time in their busy schedule to e-mail me.
6. Favorite Song(s) of the Moment: Uhm, The Lord of the Rings, Faculty, Swordfish, X2 & X-Men soundtracks. + 3 Doors Down & a lot of other stuff...
7. Favorite Movie Quotes:
I have thousands of movie quotes that I live, and here are a few of them:
Gandalf: What did you hear? Speak!
Sam: Ah, no no nothing important, that is I heard a good deal about a Ring, a Dark lord and something about the end off the world, but please Mr. Gandalf sir don’t hurt me. Don’t turn me into anything unnatural.
Arwen (Chanting): Nin o Chithaeglir, last beth daer; Rimmo nin Bruinenn dan I Ualer! Nin o Chithaeglir, last beth daer; Rimmo nin Bruinenn dan I Ualer!
Boromir: One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just orcs; there is evil there that does not sleep. The great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire, ash and dust, the very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand Men could you do this. It is folly.
Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me, I wish none of this had happened.
Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring; in witch case you also were meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.
Boromir: They have a came troll!
Galadriel: Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.
Sam: I made a promise Mr. Frodo, a promise; “Don’t you leave him Samwise Gamgee.” And I don’t mean to, I don’t mean to.
Frodo: Sam, I’m glad you’re with me.
Theoden: Dark have been my dreams of late.
Frodo: I am Frodo Baggins, and this is Samwise Gamgee.
Faramir: Your bodyguard?
Sam: His gardener.
Theoden: No parent should have to bury their child.
Gimli: Don't tell the elf.
Frodo: I can't do this Sam.
Sam: I know. It's all wrong. By rights we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.
Frodo: What are we holding on to Sam?
Sam: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo... and it's worth fighting for.
Faramir: I think at last we understand one another, Frodo Baggins.
Sam: I wonder if we'll ever be put into songs or tales.
Frodo: The days are growing darker.
Sam: Don't go where I can't follow.
Pippin: [singing to Denethor as Faramir leads the charge] Home is behind- The world ahead- And there are many paths to tread- Through shadow- To the edge of night- Until the stars are all alight- Mist and shadow- Cloud and shade- All shall fade- All shall... - Fade.
Sam: I can't carry it for you... but I can carry you.
Eowyn: I am no man.
Aragorn: Hold your ground, hold your ground. Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers. I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day. This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you *stand, Men of the West!*
Frodo: [after destroying the Ring] I can see the Shire. The Brandywine River. Bag End. The Lights in the Party Tree.
Sam: Rosie Cotton dancing. She had ribbons in her hair. If ever I were to marry someone, it would have been her. It would have been her.
[sits down and begins to cry]
Frodo: [leans over and hugs him] I'm glad to be with you, Samwise Gamgee, here at the end of all things.
Gandalf: I'll not say, "Do not weep", for not all tears are an evil.
Sam: Well, I'm back.
Prof. Charles Francis Xavier: Mutation: it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, and normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward.
Wolverine: You lost your money. Keep this up, you’ll lose something else.
Magneto: Let's just say God works too slowly.
Wolverine: This certainly is a big, round room.
Wolverine: I think you should follow your instincts.
Rogue: The first boy I ever kissed ended up in a coma for three weeks. I can still feel him inside my head. And it’s the same with you.
Magneto: You Homo sapiens and your guns.
Magneto: Can’t you read my mind? What now? Save the girl? You’ll have to kill me, Charles. And what will that accomplish? Let them pass that law. They’ll have you in chains with a number burned in to your forehead.
Magneto: ..there is no land of tolerance. There is no peace. Not here or anywhere else. Women and children, whole families destroyed. Simply because they were born different from those in power. Well, after tonight, the world’s powerful will be just like us. They will return home as brothers. As mutants. Our cause will be theirs.
Wolverine: You're so full of shit, if you were really that righhteous, it'd be you in that thing.
Professor X: Mutants: Since the discovery of their existence, they have been regarded with fear, suspicion, often hatred. Across the planet, debate rages: Are mutants the next link in the evolutionary chain, or simply a new species of humanity, fighting for their share of the world. Either way, it is an historical fact: Sharing has never been humanity's defining attribute.
Professor X: If you continue to smoke in here, you'll spend the rest of your life believing you are a six year old girl.
Wolverine: You can do that?
Professor X: I'd have Jean braid your hair.
Professor X: Sometimes the mind needs to discover things for itself.
Wolverine: Got any beer?
Bobby: This is a school.
Wolverine: So that's a no?
Bobby: Yeah, that's a no.
Wolverine: Well do you have anything other than chocolate milk?
Wolverine: If you want to shoot me, then shoot me!
Magneto: Mr. Laurio, never trust a beautiful woman; especially one who's interested in you.
Storm: Sometimes anger can help you survive.
Nightcrawler: So can faith.
Pyro: You know all those dangerous mutants you hear about in the news - I'm the worst one.
Nightcrawler: ..why not stay in disguise all the time? You know, look like everyone else.
Mystique: Because we shouldn't have to.
Magneto: You are a god among insects. Never let anyone tell you different.
Wolverine: She's good.
Magneto: You have no idea.
William Stryker: The tricky thing about adamantium is, that if you ever manage to process its raw, liquid form, you got to keep it that way, keep it hot. Because once the metal cools, it's indestructible. But you already know that. I used to think you were one of a kind Wolverine... I was wrong.
Wolverine: If we die, you die.
I could go on forever, think I'll stop now...
8. Favorite Store(s): DVD stores & any store with LotR or X-Men merch.
9. Favorite Feeling: Joy.
10. Favorite Shoe: Ok, I'm a girl... and I don't have a favorite shoe... wait, maybe my sandals, but they're really unconfortable.
11. Favorite Scent: I don't know. When my mom cooks polish foods, think that'd have to be my favorite smell. Chloski.
12. Do You Wear Make-Up?: Yeah, but I don't like it very much. It's turned into a vanity thing, and I hate that. I just look like a train wreck without some kind of make-up on.
13. Which is more important, personality or looks?: Personality of course. Looks don't hurt, but there has to be more than air between the ears.
14. What kind of personality do you like in a girl/boy?: Great sense of humor, Nice and caring, spontaneous...ect ect ect
15. Do you move fast or slow in a relationship?: Uhm, what relationship?
16. What is your idea of the perfect girl/boy?: Hehe, dark hair, Blue eyes (can go for brown too, it depends.), great smile, and great laugh. Treats me nice..
17. Would you ever ask someone out?: To quote
elvea-aure: "Probably, not if I don't have to (read: I'm old-fashioned and like to see the guys crawl, hehe...)"
18. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes: Black hair... guess that falls under the brunette category.
Love, life, friends
1. What is the first thing you notice about someone?: The Eyes, and their smile/laugh.
2. When’s the last time you cried?: 16.07.04
3. What do you want to be when you grow up?: An actress, A director, a writer, and a journalist, RICH! Well, maybe not rich... I'd like to make one blockbuster, so I'd be set for life. Well, I can dream can't I?
4. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: No... But I got a stuffed doggy on my nightstand.
5. Do you want children?: HELL NO! Well, not now anyway... After working 4 years at the zoo, I've got my fill of brats. Ask again in a couple of years.
6. how far have u gotten?: How far have I gotten where? (I'm blonde, remember?)
7. Do you like someone right now?: Nah... does being a rabid-fan-girl count? Wouldn't you like to know?? ;)
8. Do they know?: NO, the plane ticket is too expensive, and I don't even know where he lives. Damn obstacles.
In the last 24 hours, have you:
1: Hugged someone?: Nope.
2: Had a serious talk?: Nope.
3: Gotten along well with your parents?: Yep.
4: Fought with a friend?: Nope.
5. What’s the last gift u got: A book! Fools Errand by Robin Hobb. Love the Farseer Saga, everybody should read 'em.
beluga gave it to me as a thanks for driving her to the airport.
Do u like 2.....
1. Give hugs: Not so much. (I'm grew up in a place where stuff like that is a big NO-NO!)
2: Give back rubs?: Same as above.
3: Take walks in the rain?: Depends on my mood, and on what kind of rain.
4: You ever have that falling dream?: Yep, but it hasn't made me fall out of bed yet.
5: What is on the walls of your room?: Wood, and a couple of posters, some featuring MR. Wood. And of course my X-Men and Wolverine posters.
6: When you chew gum, what kind?: Extra White (tasty).
7: Do you use chap stick?: Yep.
More stuff
1. Are you popular?: Hate that word... in other words, no.
2. Are you attractive: How the hell should I know, people have different tastes.
3. Do you have your own phone line?: Does a cell phone count?
4. What is your favorite word to say?: Oh my God, NASTY! Right, Krikey and a lot of Norwegian ones... (and a few polish ones.)
5. What is your favorite phrase to say?: God, just look at the movie quotes, and you know what I usually say. I'm sick, I know.
6.What are you doing right now?: Answering this stupid thing... Trying to watch "Dark Angel". What is it with James Cameron and post-apoctalyptic worlds?
7. What song are you listening to?: God, Just look at my CD-choices... stupid repeat questions!
8. What are you wearing?: Nightshirt.
9. What color are your nails?: skin-colored, can't paint them because of work, but I hardly ever do anyways...
1. Cold or hot?: Hot.
2. Lace or satin?: Satin.
3. Blue or Red?: BLUE! DUH! Haven't you been paying attention???
4. New or old?: Depends...
5. Rain or snow?: Snow. "Let's build a snowman, we can make him our best friend..." Uhm, well I'm back.
6. Give or receive?: Depends... Like givin pressies, nice to make people happy. :)
7. Wool or cotton?: Cotton.
8. Rose or Daisy?: Rose, because she took good care of James. Ok, I'm a fan. A very sick fan, but hey! That's me.
9. Private school or public school?: Public.
10. Chocolate milk or plain milk?: Chocolate... Well, I prefer chocolate milk shake! But that wasn't an option.
11. Celsius or Fahrenheit?: Celsius.
12. Spring or Fall?: Spring.
13. Inny or outty?: Right... And you wanna know this because???
14. Now or then?: Now!
15. How many fingers am I holding up?: 28.
16. Sight or Scent? Sight.
18. Bath or shower? Bath.
19. Bedtime phrase: I'm sooooo tir ZZzzzZZzzzZZZzz.
20. Self-stick or lick?: Yeah, sure.
21. Cursive or print?: What the hell? Does it even matter?
22. Do you like surprises?: Nice ones: Yes. Bad-ones: Hell no! Tasty treats... ok I'll get my mind out of the gutter now.*wicked grin*
23. Paranoid or Cautious?: Both.
24. Heights or Crowds?: Heights. Crowds can be so stuffy...
25. Half-full or half-empty?: *Drinks contents* "Well, It's empty now!"
26. Top or bottom?: Yeah, Like I'm gonna tell...
27. Do you/Would you dye your hair?: Have put highlights in, would dye it BLUE if I dared.
28. Speeding or running red lights?: Speeding.
29. Gold or silver?: Adamantium & Mithril.
30. Bad habits?: None. Yeah right... If you know me I don't have to tell you this now do I?
31. Piercings?: Just my ears.
32. Erogenous Zone(s): Why would you want to know that you sick mind?!
33. "Maybe" or "Mebbe?": Perhaps.
34. What do you wish you'd done?: I wish I was psychic, so I could have prevented some rather sucky events from taking place.
35: How many questions are on this quiz?: Oh, Like I'm gonna waste time by counting these questions!
36. Fetish?: Any image of Hugh or Elijah, anything else X-Men or LotR-related, especially the books/comics.
37. Do you have one of THOSE voices?: God, I hope not!
38. Jammies or naked?: Jammies.
39. Neurotic or psychotic?: Both, wouldn't be me with just one.
40. Do you talk to yourself?: What? That's not normal?
Wow, that sure took a long time. Well, am off to bed now. Night night.