The Internett has been dead

May 16, 2004 00:54

I know I haven't been updating my Lj lately, but there hasn't really been that much happening lately. Have finally finished my Film History Essay, hoping I'll at least pass. :P Now I have two minor essay's and an exam and I'll be finished with my first year. Really looking forward to some down-time, I feel really weak and tired lately, so I'm hoping I can keep my strength up for the final haul.

I've chosen my subjects for next year, if I get the subjects I want, I'll have to go to school four times a week before xmas, and once a week after christmas. Funky timetable, but I'm thinking it'll be good with stuff to do before xmas, so hopefully it'll go faster. After xmas I'll use my days off constructively, maybe use Ryan-Air to visit some relatives, tickets to Germany and Poland are cheap if I get a good deal. Will probably go home more often as well to be honest, just have to see what time will allow.

On Sunday I went a quick trip to Stanstead to say hi to dad, he was heading home from Rome, and had to wait there for a couple of hours. I didn't tell him I was coming, so it was a nice surprise. Sounded like he had a great time in Rome, I wanna go one day. Was nice to see him again, even though it's not too long until I go back home. :)

In the evening I was downstairs, Jan Christian and Solbjørg visited the house. Always fun to hear what they have to tell. :) They're going to New York this summer to see Hugh Jackman on Broadway in "Boy from Oz". I am sooo jealous! I told Jan Christian that I want all the details when I come back for my fall-term. He was nice enough to guide me toward some pages online where I could see some clips of Hugh in action.

Other than that I haven't done much really... am just counting the days until I can go home... 9.


That is what I was ready to post in my journal on Wednesday, but some virus had infected the main computer, so the internett access shut down, again. Which leads to a double post within the same post. :P

Wednesday evening was the big semi finals in the Euro Vision song contest, it was rather horrific sight. Was very little I liked to be honest, some things I thought was kind of original or even good, but it didn't have the right feel. If this is what we can expect from the 14 countries already in the final, it might be worth watching just to see what silly gimmicks some of the artists come up with.
I'm not really a fan of the Euro Vision song contest, but for now it was fun just to hang out with the other people in the house and spoof the artists.

On thursday I had a really long day at school, doesn't help that we're finished in my eyes, but can't really do anything about it until next week. In the meantime, I have to fix stuff with my module choices for next year. The registry is on the day I fly home, so I have to fix it in advance.
Thursday evening I went to a local restaurant with Linn, Soma and Camelia. I was really nice, and there was very good food. I ate a big lasagna, so now all the people that have been wiggin' about me loosing weight can take a breather. The evening was fun, we just took it easy, enjoyed our food and talked. Most enjoyable. :)

Still countig the days until I can go home... 7.


A little addition... had a quiet day yesterday. Had a little walk around... think I'm getting the cold again, am just happy I'm heading home soon.

This evening I saw the Euro Vision Song contest, can't fucking believe Greece got third place! Come on! Anyway, was fun. The staff here had made little quizzes and such. I actually won three chocolate bars, who-ho! Kind of funny since I was just guessing wildly.

Now the net is finally back, so I'm hoping to get some work done.

In six days at this time, I'll be home. :)

school, linn, germany, the boy from oz, friends, eurovision song contest, poland, sol, travel, hugh jackman, home, soma, janki, rome, university, new york, parents

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