Supernatural 306 - Red Sky at Morning

Nov 15, 2007 17:59

My review of Red Sky at Morning.

Supernatural 306 - Red Sky at Morning

  • Okay, so it was pretty damn obvious that the girl was there to die, don’t know why that pisses people off, as that usually is the case with every opening scene and the actors in it. Is it because she had so little clothes on? Yeah, I didn’t get what the point was with that, but it’s not the first time.

  • Is it wrong that my first thought when I saw the ship was if Johnny Depp was going to show up in the episode.

  • Dean figured out what Sammy did, and I get that he’s pissed.

 (Sam and Dean are in the car; Dean looks pissed)
Dean: So, I've been waiting since Maple Springs. You got something to tell me?
Sam: It's not your birthday.
Dean: No.
Sam: (thinks hard) ...Happy Purim?
(Dean gives Sam an angry look, Sam laughs)
Sam: Dude, I don't know! I have no idea what you're talking about.

Dean: There's a bullet missing from the Colt. You want to tell me how that happened? I know it wasn't me, so unless you were shooting at some incredibly evil cans.
Sam: Dean.
Dean: You went after her didn't you? The Crossroads Demon, after I told you not to.
Sam: Yeah, well.
Dean: You could have gotten yourself killed.
Sam: I didn't.
Dean: And you shot her?
Sam: She was a smartass.

  • I love that Sam pretends not to have any idea what Dean is talking about.

  • Incredibly evil cans. Lol.

  • Sam is being snarky, hmmm.

  • It broke my heart when Dean actually asked Sam if it had worked. There was a moment of hope there, which is just brutal.

  • Holy crap, I was so uncomfortable when that old lady was drooling all over Sam, but I couldn’t stop laughing either. To priceless.

  • I always worry when somebody says they know someone else without actually knowing who that person is… anyway, when the boys said they knew Alex I was expecting the old woman to throw a hissy fit and send them packing.

Dean: What a crazy old broad.
Sam: Why, because she believes in ghosts?
Dean: Ha ha, look at you. Sticking up for your girlfriend, you cougar hound.

Sam: Bite me.
Dean: Not if she bites you first.

  • Lol, oh boys.

Dean: So what happens? You see the ship and then a few hours later you pucker up and kiss your ass goodbye.
Sam: Basically.

  • Wasn’t that kind of the myth surrounding the Pearl in the first Pirates movie?

Dean: What's the next step?

Sam: I gotta ID the boat.
Dean: That shouldn't be too hard. I mean, how many three-mast ships have wrecked off the coast?
Sam: I checked that too actually, over 150.
Dean: Wow!
Sam: Yeah.
Dean: Crap.
Sam: Uh-huh.

  • Awww, poor Dean really hates research.

  • I thought I was gonna die when Dean started panicking about the Impala. Poor guy. I totally understand his reaction, but it was priceless.

Dean: This is where we parked the car, right?
Sam: I thought so.
Dean: Where's my car?
Sam: Did you feed the meter?
Dean: Yes I fed the meter. Sam, where's my car, did somebody... stole my car?
Sam: Hey-hey, calm down. Dean.
Dean: I'm calmed down. Sombody stole my c...
Dean starts to hyperventolate
Sam: Wow, Dean. Hey-hey-hey-hey, take it easy, take it easy.
(Dean hyperventilating)
Bela: The 67' Impala, was that yours?
Sam: Bela.
Bela: I'm sorry, I had that car towed.
Dean: You what?
Bela: Well, it was in a tow-away zone.
Dean: No it wasn't.
Bela: It was when I finished with it.

  • Poor Dean, being separated for his beloved car.

  • I like Bela less in this episode for some reason, maybe because it seems kind of random that they’d run into her again so soon.

Sam: You shot me.
Bela: I barely grazed you.
(Dean rolls eyes)
Bela: Cute. But a bit of a drama queen, yeah?

  • You shot Sam and messed with the Impala, you bitch! You’re lucky they don’t kill you where you stand.

Sam: How do you sleep at night?
Bela: On silk sheets, rolling naked in money.

  • Really didn’t need that visual.

(to Dean)
Bela: Now, I'd get to that car if I were you, before they find that arsenal in the trunk. Ciao.

(Bela leaves)
Dean: Can I shoot her?
Sam: Not in public.

  • Yes, Dean. You may shoot her. Get out that nice rifle of yours and finish her off. Nobody messes with the car and gets to live. Nobody!!

  • Wow, a guy with no shirt on. So basically the morale of this episode is, wear as little as possible and you’ll drown mysteriously?

Bela: I see you got your car back.
Dean: You really want to come near me with a gun in my hands?
Bela: Now, now. Mind your blood pressure.

  • She’s playing with fire that one. Dean has my blessing to shoot her.

Bela: Don't you dare look down your nose at me. You're no better than I am.
Dean: We help people.
Bela: Come on! You do this out of vengeance and obsession. You're a stone's throw from being a serial killer.
(Dean looks over to Sam)
Bela: Whereas I on the other hand, I get paid to do a job, and I do it. So you tell me, which is healthier?
Sam: Bela, why don't you just leave? We've got work to do.
Bela: Yeah. You're 0 for 2. Bang up job so far.

  • Please woman, they save people! People are grateful for what they do, while you just rip people off for your own personal gain.

Dean: Hey, Bela, how'd you get like this? What, your daddy not give you enough hugs or something?
Bela: I don't know. Your daddy give you enough?

  • I think her daddy gave Bela to many hugs. 

Peter: You're not cops. Not dressed like that, not in that crappy car.
Dean: Hey, no need to get nasty.

  • See, insult or mess with the car and you’re going to die, it’s that simple!

  • Ghost guy wasn’t that scary, he reminds me of someone. Anyways this reminded me of an episode of ‘"The Invisible Man". Though there it was a chick who drowned people by kissing them.

Dean: You can't save everybody, Sam.
Sam: Yeah right, So, so…what? You feel better now, or what?
Dean: No, not really.
Sam: Me neither.
Dean: You got to understand…
Sam: It’s just lately I feel like I can't save anybody.

  • So maybe all this crazyness with Sam is rooted in the fact that he’s just feeling helpless and since he can’t save Dean he takes it out on every evil creature he finds? Yeah, I know that’s probably wishful thinking, but still.

  • So now Bela needs their help. Personally I wanted one of the boys to grad her by the neck and fling her outside again… kind of like what Hugh did to Halle in the beginning of Swordfish. Yeah, that’d be cool.

Bela: So, how'd things go last night with Peter?
(Sam gives angry look)
Bela: That well, huh.
Dean: If you say "I told you so," I swear to God, I'll start swinging.

  • Oh, Dean, you shouldn’t have to wait till she said that. Start swinging.

Bela: I think the three of us should have a heart-to-heart.
Dean: That's assuming you have a heart.

  • Ok, so because of what happens later I have to enjoy the fact that they’re working together. And no supernatural themed show would be complete without the heist episode.

Dean: A Hand of Glory? I think I got one of those at the end of my Thai massage last week.

  • Oh, Dean. We didn’t need to know that.

  • The missing hand is at a museum, and Bela has plan that involves putting Dean into a tuxedo, which just makes it a really good plan. 

Bela: What is taking so long? Sam's already halfway there. With his date.
Dean: I am so not okay with this.
Bela: What are you, a woman? Come down already.
(Dean walks down steps, Bela gasps)
Dean: All right, get it out. I look ridiculous.
Bela: Not exactly the word I'd use.

  • When Bela mentioned that Sam was there with a date I instantly thought of some blonde bimbo, I was wrong.

  • And now for my reaction to the tuxedo; *melts into a puddle on the floor*.

  • Seriously, Dean walking down the stairs in that tux is the hottest seconds ever commited to film. And it was so perfectly done with that little James Bone-esque melody playing as he entered the frame.

Bela: You know, when this is over, we should really have angry sex.
Dean: Don't objectify me.

  • Though I didn’t like Bela’s reaction when she held her breath, because it seemed kind of OOC for some reason, the angry sex comment was right on the money. Though I do not want to see them hooking up, ever, it was funny. And Dean’s reaction was awesome.

  • I know Dean probably put the gum under the fountain or whatever just to bug Bela, but am I the only one who was thinking that he left behind a fingerprint and DNA evidence at a place where he was going to commit a crime.

  • I thought I was going to die when I saw whom Sam’s date was. Again, I was uncomfortable on his behalf, but couldn’t stop laughing at the absurdity of the situation.

Sam: Exactly how long do you expect me to entertain my date?
Bela: As long as it takes.
Dean: Look. There's security all over this place, all right. This is an uncrashable party, without Gert's invitation, so.
Sam: We can crash anything, Dean.
Dean: Yeah I know, but this is easier and a lot more entertaining.

  • Hee, as much as I love it when the boys break into places on their own; this was a nice change of pace.

Sam: You know, there are limits to what I'll do, right?
Dean: Ah, he's playing hard-to-get. That's cute.

  • I feel really sorry for Sam having to hang out with that old woman the entire evening.

Bela: What do you suggest?
Dean: I’m thinking…
Bela: Don’t strain yourself.

  • Dean totally would have come up with something, but the woman is impatient, and decides to sneak in a way that will totally get them identified when the heist has been discovered.

  • I hated that he called her his wife, but his insensitivity to his pretend "wife" is was funny. 

(about Bela to the Guard)
Dean: You think she's a pain in the ass now, try living with her.

  • Lol, loved the way he just tossed her down on the couch and called her a drunk.

Bela: (to Dean) I didn't want you thinking... you're not very good at that. Oh, look at you, searching for a witty rejoinder.
Dean: Screw you.
Bela: Very Oscar Wilde.

  • I’m not sure Oscar Wilde would have had much patience with you either Bela.

  • What is up with insulting Dean’s intelligence this season?

  • Dean stealing the hand was hot, the hand itself was gross, and Bela just got to sit around.

  • The guard seemed way to happy about the idea of Dean getting cheated on.

  • And meanwhile the old woman is molesting poor Sam, but on the upside he gets some good intel about the victims.

  • Finally Bela pulls Gertie off Sam, and they leave the party.

    Dean: (to Sam) You stink like sex.

    • Of course Bela ripped them… Dean off again. What did he expect really?'

    • Bela sees the ghost ship, and to be honest at that point I was thinking meh, at the prospect of her dying. I just didn’t care either way.

    • This is only Bela’s second episode, and the second time she betrays the Winchesters, but then her life is put in danger forcing her to destroy the object she stole from them.  That could get old real fast, so they need to come up with something better next time.

    Dean: (about Bela) You know what? I’m not going to kill her. I think slow torture’s the way to go.

    • Yes, Dean. Torture. With hot pokers and that Chinese dripping thing.

    Dean: I can’t believe she got another one over on us!
    Sam: You.
    Dean: What?
    Sam: I mean, she got one over on you, not us.
    Dean: Thank you, Sam! Very helpful.

    • Sammy does have a point, and after spending all night with the old bat I get why he’d grab the chance to pester Dean.

    • When Bela came knocking at their door for help part of me wanted them to say no, and let her fend for herself. But old-Sammy shines trough and he finds a way to help her.

    • I’m pretty sure Bela killed her father… don’t ask me why, just the vibe I’m getting.

    Bela: Do you really think this is going to work?
    Dean: Almost definitely not.

    • Is that your real opinion Dean or just what you’re hoping?

    • The conclusion of it all was kind of simple, but the effect as the scorned brother dives into the other one was really cool.

    Bela: You boys should learn to lock your doors. Anyone could just barge in.
    Sam: Anyone just did.

    • So the boys save Bela’s life and all she can do is give them money. Didn’t she steal more from Dean in the last episode she was in? Dean seems happy about the cash though, but I agree with the brothers that a thank you would have been good too.

    Bela: (after handing Dean and Sam money) I don't like being in anyone's debt.
    Dean: So ponying up ten grand is easier for you then a simple “thank you”? You're so damaged.
    Bela: Takes one to know one.

    • I love the fact that the first thing Dean wants to do with the money is to go waste it in some casino.

    Sam: I don’t want you to worry about me, Dean. I want you to worry about you. I want you to give a crap that you're dying! So that's it? Nothing else to say for you?
    Dean: I think maybe I'll play craps.

    • I understand why Sam finally blew up, and I fully understood everything he said. He’s tired of being the one that’s taken care of, he wants to pay Dean back for everything somehow, and Dean keeps downplaying it.

    • I get both sides here, but it is heartbreaking to see. This whole deal is driving a wedge between them. I hope they can find some peace before they are able to save Dean, because if that’s left till afterwards I’m worried it’ll fester.

    • I liked the episode, but I see the faults. It was funny, but some of the jokes were kind of cheap.

    • As for Bela, I don’t know what to think anymore. I liked her before, but it kind of grew old during this episode. I hope it’s a while before the boys run into her again, and if they do the boys have to win that round. Something has to change, and I’m not to keen on the whole thing about her having a horrible past. I liked her better when she was just a rich, scheming bitch.

  • bela, jensen ackles, sam winchester, hugh jackman, swordfish, jared padalecki, johnny depp, dean winchester, potc, halle berry, supernatural, picture

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