Major review post, part 1 can be found
Actually a very good idea, but sadly it doesn't hold up in the long run.
The build-up is good, but it leaves you wanting something more, the film kind of leaves you hanging in the weirdest places.
When the big twist comes at the end I wasn’t really that surprised even though I wasn’t that prepared for it. It just didn’t work as well as it should have.
They should have reworked the script a little and changed some of the actors, because they don’t do much in ways of carrying the film either.
And before the
Jared Padalecki start throwing rocks, he did good with what he had been given, but the script didn’t give him enough to work with… that actually goes for the majority of the actors.
It’s a good show, but I fail to see how it’s gained such a strong following.
I lost interest kind of fast, but am still watching it. If they killed off
Ashley Scott’s character it might make me more interested. I really don’t like her.
The premise is very interesting, but after a while it goes a little over the top and the slightly soap-oprahish sub plots don’t do much to help.
Seeing as there’s only one season, and some episodes for closure I might watch it all the way through. If it hadn’t been for that I think I would have abandoned it by now.
I have only watched the first two episodes, and I really liked it. When I learned it had been cancelled after only four episodes I was extremely disappointed, and even more pissed at FOX than I’ve been before. Damn bastards wouldn’t know a good show if it bit 'em in the persqueeter!
A review I agree with:
Drive had the potential to be a top rated television show. It was not given the time to develop an audience. The writing was superb and the cast performances were simply outstanding. If given more than three weeks to garner fan support, Drive could have proved itself to be the next 24 or House. Television executives are too quick to cancel a show after only a few episodes. Television programs need time to develop a fan base which is often generated by word of mouth buzz.
I can only hope that Drive will find a new home on a network that is willing to give the show the opportunity to prove what it is made of. As a fan I found it frustrating to invest in a show only to have the plug pulled prematurely.
I still haven’t seen episodes 3 and 4 that are on my hard-drive, because I can’t bring myself to invest more time in it knowing there won’t be anymore.
Sure the show was over the top, and I already want some of the characters to crash their cars and die, but the characters I like did so much for the show, and
Nathan Fillion’s character kicked ass, I really wanted to see more of this.
I guess I can only hope that some other Network picks it up and gives it a chance.
Jeremiah, season 2.
Season 2 is a major improvement on season 1, and most if not all of the credit for that goes to
Sean Astin and his portrayal of Mister Smith.
Mr. Smith: How the hell am I supposed to know? I'm just God's sock puppet, ok? He shoves his hand up my ass and words come out the other end.
I usually hate characters that are based around religion and God and such. There have been very few exceptions to that; Mr.Smith is a major one however. I never felt like he was preaching, he just passed on the message.
For me, season 2 of Jeremiah turned into the Mr.Smith show. I seriously squeed when he showed up, and the one episode he wasn’t in was kind of boring. He is a minor character, but I think once the creators saw how
Sean Astin embraced the part and just knocked his performance out of the park, they wanted to give him more screen-time. I’m glad they did.
So if you’re watching season 1 and find it boring, jump ahead to the last two episodes of season 1 and then move on to season two, because there’s where the fun starts.