Supernatural - 221 - All Hell Breaks Loose, part 1

May 27, 2007 20:35

Finally I bring you my review of the season finale!

Oh, how we’ve been looking forward to and dreading this, so many questions to have answered, yet by the end we’d be in for over 4 months of waiting for the next dose of Supernatural!

Supernatural - 221 - All Hell Breaks Loose, part 1

I honestly wasn’t sure what the season finale would be about, but I started suspecting it would have something to do with Sammy and the other children, and the opening recap convinced me I was right. It was a great recap!

Sam and Dean arrive at a diner to get supper. By now we all know that if an episode starts with the boys, something is going to happen to them. And since we didn’t follow Sammy, plus all the focus on the gifted kids in the recap, I knew we were in for some demonic action.

Dean: Don't forget the extra onions this time!
Sam: Dude, I'm the one who has to ride in the car with your extra onions.
Dean: Hey, see if they've got any pie. Bring me some pie. I love me some pie.

Aww, Dean is such a foodie.

When the radio started malfunctioning I started urging Dean to get the hell out of the car and look for Sam.

I wonder if all the Dean people in the diner will be added to the list Hendrickson has of Winchester-victims?

Sammy’s missing! I loved the fade between Dean over to Sam, it worked.

It didn’t look like a very comfortable spot Sammy was sleeping in.
My first thought when I saw the place was that it looked like an old western-town.

(Sam hears a noise and is about to turn the corner)
Sam: Andy!?
Andy: Sam... what are you doing here?
Sam: I don't know.
Andy: What am I doing here?
Sam: I don't know, just...
Andy: Where are we!?
Sam: Andy, look calm down.
Andy: I can't calm down. I just woke up in friggin' frontier land!
Sam: What's the last thing you remember?
Andy: Honestly... my fourth bong load.

Andy! I love Andy! *Huggles Andy*

I loved the look on Sam’s face when Andy mentioned the bong.

And Andy asks about Dean, awww. He’s missed his geek-soul mate.

Screams, my first thought was Ava.

She thinks it’s been only two days since she last saw Sam and Dean, when it was actually five months ago. Which kind of made me a little suspicious, but I didn’t know what to think.

Ava: (panicking) My fiancé, Brady, if I’ve been missing for that long he must be freaking out! (notices Andy)
Andy: Hey. Andy. Also freaking out.

They find two other people, Jake and Lily, and determine they’re all age 23 and have psychic powers, and Sam tries to explain a demon brought them together.

Heh, I would have been a bit freaked if somebody knew all that about me. They were lucky to have Sam though, so they could skip past that stuff and get down to business.

Andy: I've been practicing, training my brain like meditation, right, so now it's not just thoughts I can beam out, but images, too, like anything I want. It's like bam, people they see it. This one guy I know, total dick. I use it on him... gay porn. All hours of the day. (laughing) It's just like, you just have to see the look on his face. (everyone's speechless)

I love Andy, that was awesome.

The others don’t agree with me though, lol.

I liked Lily actually.

Hee, when Sammy tried to explain what’s going on. Telling them that it was a demon that brought them there. They all must have thought he was nuts.

Dean meets with Bobby, I love that Bobby’s is the first one he goes to. I know Dean likes the people at the Roadhouse, but I never felt that he fully trusted them in the same way that he trusts Bobby.

He still has to go to the Roadhouse though. I figured he’d called them for help, but Bobby’s the one he wants to come with to help him.

Jake: So, we’re soldiers in a demon war to bring on the apocalypse?
Sam: When you put it like that…

Andy and Ava looked so small and freaked out.

Ava: Sam, psychic abilities and spoon-bending... it's one thing. But demons?

At least Jake’s military training lets him keep his cool somewhat better than the other kids. He doesn’t believe Sam, but he seems to be less freaked out than the others by the whole situation.

So of course he does the stupid thing and goes off on his own.

What is it with this show and creepy little girls, huh?

Sammy to the rescue!

Sam: Andy, you still with me, or what?
Andy: Give me a minute, I'm still working through "Demons are real."

*Huggles Andy* Poor freaked out little dude.

So Sammy puts his brain to good use and figures out where they are.

And Lily freaks out.

Sam: (to Lily, who accidentally killed her girlfriend.) I've lost people, too. I have a brother out there right now, he could be dead, for all I know. We’re all in bad shape, but I’m telling you the best way out of this is to stick together.

I was really liking that Sam took charge and tried to keep everyone together. He knew what was going on and therefore was the best choice to lead the group, but still, I think that he handled it very well. He is a people-person, and where Dean would have just told people to fall in line Sam is more empathic and tries a more careful way to calm people down and help them to see what is going on and what they have to do.

Jake: Salt is a weapon?
Sam: It's a brave new world.

Still Sammy’s words don’t help with Lily and she goes off on her own.

Dean and Bobby arrive at the road house only to find it burned down.

What surprised me the most about this was how little I cared. Even when they found Ash, I thought it was a bummer, but didn’t really feel anything. It might make me heartless, but my liking for the roadhouse quickly weakened, so my feelings here were just a reflection of that. I always liked Ash though, but I still suspect he’s the one who told Gordon about Sam.

I figured Ellen was still alive, don’t know how I guessed, but I kind of knew that she couldn’t be dead.

Lily is sneaking through the woods, and the demon-girl comes for her.

The others are looking for weapons, and Ava acts a little weird. The headache didn’t tip me off, it was more that out of all the kids they focused a lot on her which made me worry something was up.

Andy is a good boy and finds salt! And the group finally realises that Lily is missing.

I had to giggle at Ava’s little jump when Sam called out after Lily.

1 down 4 to go.

Sam: We gotta gear up for the next attack.
Ava: Gear up? I'm not a soldier! I can't do that!
Sam: Well, you're going to have to if you want to stay alive.

Jake is finally convinced about what they have to do and Sammy does his best to calm Ava and Andy.

Aww, Sammy missed Dean. And Andy is brilliant and finds a way to send Dean a message.

Andy: (reading Dean's receipt) "D. Hasselhoff"?
Sam: Yeah. That's Dean's signature. It... it's kind of hard to explain.

Lol, the look on Andy’s face. Did I mention I love Andy?

Back at the roadhouse, Bobby and Dean are trying to figure out what to do.

Okay, I loved Dean getting a vision!! Damn, Jensen was great there! I thought he was gonna throw up at the end.

Dean: (just had a vision) That was about as fun as getting kicked in the jewels.

Dean seems happier to have some small clue about Sam, than freaked out about having a vision. Bobby is super smart and figures out the location of the town from the landmarks Andy projected. Bobby rules!

I liked the talk between Sam and Jake when they’re looking for tools. Jake seemed like he was a decent guy, but of course he was also getting enough screen time to make me worried.

They’ve salted the exits and are safe in the house.

Sam should never, ever play poker. He finally tells Ava about Brady.

Time for nightmares.

I like Fredrick Lane, he’s awesome at playing bad-guys, so I really loved that he still got to play the YED.

Yellow Eyed Demon: You're awfully quiet, Sam... you're not mad at me, are you?

Okay, the demon references a lot of reality-tv, I’m thinking he’s behind that too. Reality TV is a demonic tool! :o

So the YED finally fills Sammy and the audience in on the big plan. It’s Battle Royale Supernatural-style

Sam: I thought we were supposed to be...
Yellow Eyed Demon: Soldiers? In the coming war? That's true. You are. But here's the thing. I don't need soldiers. I need "soldier." I just need the one.

It was a good scene, and we got a new clue, the demon mentions other generations.

I felt really sorry for Sam when he started talking about Jessica, and sorry for the entire Winchester family when he reveals that Mary was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I’m not sure how I felt about the flashback, but it gave us some new info.

Feeding the baby blood was seriously gross.

Everybody is all hyped up about Mary knowing the demon, like this is new info. I could have sworn they give that impression in the pilot too, because that didn’t hit me as something new.

So Ava is missing. What I don’t get is why they left Andy alone in the house and then split up. Okay, so they thought Andy would be safe, and they’re both capable guys, but Andy!!

So it’s revealed, Ava is evil, and she kills Andy!! *Cries* Bitch!!!

She tries to trick Sam too, but he’s to smart for that and confronts her.

Ava: I just stopped fighting it.
Sam: Fighting what?
Ava: What we are, Sam.

I liked Ava, so I was sad to see that she’d turned, but it had to happen.

She tries to call on the demon to kill Sam, but Jake comes to the rescue.

Dean and Bobby are finally close, and gear up to rescue Sammy.

Now that Ava’s dead Sam thinks they can escape, but the YED visited Jake as well, and the final fight ensues. Sam should have known better than to think that just because Jake left his weapon he’d be safe, Jake is a freaking weapon! Sammy is kind of gullible at times.

Why didn’t you kill him Sam? Why? Damn your goody nature. Okay, so usually I would have been on Sam’s side about letting Jake live, but considering what the result of letting Jake live was…

Jake stabs Sam in the back right in front of Dean, and Dean’s whole world crumbles.

Dean: (after Sam gets stabbed) Hey, hey... come here, come here, let me look at ya. Oh, hey look, its not even that bad.. it's not even that bad, alright? Sammy, Sam! Hey, listen to me; we are going to patch you up okay... You'll be as good as new. Huh? I'm going to take care of you; I'm going to take care of you! I gotcha. It's my job, right; watch after my pain-in-the-ass little brother.... Sam... Sam.... Sam! Sammy! No.. No-n-n-n-n-no. Oh god. oh god... Sam!

I didn’t cry when I first saw this; mostly because I was in complete denial, add that with the total disbelief about what had just happened. I didn’t even have time to think about it because we only had to wait to seconds before part two started.

I tear up now though, it’s a great scene.


I don’t think Dean has been featured less in any episode before. But considering what the focus was I didn’t really mind. I really liked the episode, I honestly had no idea what to expect.

All I knew about the season finale was that Sam had blood on his shirt. Then I was told that there was a moving scene where Dean was talking with Sam where Sam had his eyes closed. Little things that spurred a lot of theories, but I honestly didn’t know that this would feature the YED and all. Though my suspicions about that grew as the episode came closer.

It was a great episode, and it was good to get some answers and to see the other kids again. It just sucked that they all had to die, Especially Andy, I really liked Andy. I was pretty sure Dean wasn’t going to accept that Sam was dead so that’s different.

Poor boys…


Part 2.

bobby, sam winchester, andy, ava, dean winchester, jake, supernatural, ash, lily, all hell breaks loose

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