Downward facing Frodo & Van Helsing

Feb 03, 2004 18:24

Just stumbled on these small thing when I was out surfing the other day:

Elijah Wood.

In this clip, The Tech TV chick asks him about the sound effects and yelling he had to do for the ROTK video game, and he said that it was like yogic breathing, and he said, yeah, it could be an exercise like "Downward Facing Frodo."
Then he talks for a bit about Sean/Sam and their relationship, and Andypants, and at the end, the interviewer asks to see his "Downward Facing Frodo." So he obliges.

Taken from a post made by undone27 in elijahwood

Van Helsing.

The Van Helsing site is finally up and running for real, here's a taste of the pictures they have up:

Hehe, I just can't get over David's hair, he is supposed to be a monk tho.

Gabriel Van Helsing, according to Stephen Sommers, Hugh is playing Abraham's younger and cooler brother; Gabriel.

Van Helsing Super bowl Trailer.

The Van Helsing site has also posted the Super Bowl
. There are some new shoots, but other than that it's basically the

That's it for now, enjoy.

stephen sommers, hugh jackman, samwise gamgee, frodo baggins, sam, kate beckinsale, david wenham, video, elijah wood, sean astin, van helsing

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