Supernatural - 219 - Folsom Prison Blues

May 02, 2007 22:48

Prison episode. For some reason I didn’t think I’d enjoy this episode, I figured it be dark and kind of a downer. But after the opening I was happy to know I was wrong.

Supernatural - 219 - Folsom Prison Blues

Sam: I hate this plan, Dean.
Dean: Yeah, I got that the first ten times I heard it.

When the boys were breaking in I knew it was a set-up, mainly because of Sam expressing that he hated the plan, and Dean just seemed way to relaxed. Besides we know the boys know how to disable an alarm system, so when they triggered the silent alarm as well, I was convinced they wanted to be caught.

I loved the mug-shot scene, Sam was so extremely glum and annoyed, and Dean was just loving the attention.

Dean: I call this one the Blue Steel.

Haha, total shout-out to their behind-the-scenes antics on the season 1 gag-reel. The expression was just great.

Dean: Wait, who looks better, me or Nick Nolte?

You do, Dean, you look waaay better. *sigh*

I’d been spoiled that the boys were going to prison and that Hendrickson would show up, which kind of sucked, but at least it happened early on. But it took away from the shock of seeing Hendrickson again.

Hendrickson: You think you're funny?
Dean: I think I'm adorable.

I love how Dean is such a smart-ass, it so obvious that he’s not worried, at least until Hendrickson reveals himself. But Dean is quick to regain his cool exterior, but we all know he’s not so cool on the inside.

When that guy is listing up all of Dean’s supposed crimes he says ‘kidnapping’, when was this? I can’t place a time in my head when there was kidnapping… does he mean the people at the bank? Wouldn’t hostage situation be a more proper term for that?

Hendrickson: I’d say for you two screwed to hell is a major understatement.
Dean: Well where there is life there is hope.
Hendrickson: See, that’s what I kept thinking as I was searching for your asses all over hell and gone.

Hendrickson gives me The Operative vibes, I don’t think he’ll consider any other explanation than Sam and Dean being guilty unless he sees for himself what they do, and maybe not even then.

Hendrickson: Near went nuts trying to find you. Ask him.
Reidy: (deadpan) He near went nuts.

Heh, Reidy amuses me. I’m thinking he might end up being a wild card, but then again he could just be killed off in some later episode.

So Mara enters the room, and I loved her character about two seconds after she opened her mouth. A strong female character is always a plus, and she seemed to know how to handle Hendrickson. For a public defender she seemed like she was ready to go up against the best of ‘em.

Dean: Don't worry, Sam. I promise I won't trade you for smokes.

Hehe, I love that. Sam is just so incredibly uncomfortable. And all the cons looking at the newbies, choosing who’s gonna be their bitch, lol.

I loved the part where Dean and Sam are assigned their cells and Sam is just glaring at Dean through the bars as the door is closed. Both of them could totally beat up the guy they were placed with, but Sam looked so freaked. Come on boy, we’ve seen the muscles you could take him!

Though I guess the thought of being somebody’s bitch would make anybody uneasy.

Dean: My roommate didn't say much, how's yours?
Sam: Just keeps staring at me... in a way that makes me really uneasy.
Dean: Sounds like you're making new friends.

Sam: (about being in jail) Dean, this is without a doubt the dumbest, craziest thing we've ever done. And that's in a long storied career of dumb and crazy.
Dean: Calm down. It's all part of the plan.
Sam: Oh, really? So Hendrickson showing up was part of the plan?
Dean: Yeah, the guy moves a little faster than I thought. Look, all we gotta do is find the ghost, put the sucker down, and then grab ourselves a couple of those tear drop tattoos.

I just love how differently they view their predicament. Dean is certain everything will work out, but Sam is the realist of the two and probably has a million reasons in his head as to why things won’t go as smoothly as Dean thinks.

Dean: I mean come on man, this place has all the signs of a haunting. Innocent people are dead, four so far.
Sam: (laughs) Yeah, innocent?
Dean: What, are you from Texas all of a sudden?

Hehe, another hint to the real world. I actually like that they’re playing with it a little, as they know that the fans will pick up on it.

I also love that Dean is willing to help out a guy they don’t really know just because he knew John. Okay, Deacon saved John’s life, but still, the boys barely know the guy, they’re risking a lot to help the guy. I just love that they’re willing to do that.

Dean: You know this chicken isn’t half bad.
Sam: Great, finish mine.

The food didn’t really look that horrible. We know Dean will eat anything, but it didn’t look like something you’d throw away… unless it smelled weird. Though I’ll pretty much eat any incarnation of pasta in tomato sauce, so…

Dean is such a foody, though considering limited meal times I’d fill up too, you know, unless the food was totally gross.

Sam: Dean, considering the circumstances, we're going to need to be more then pretty sure.
Dean: Okay, really pretty sure.

Heh, times like this I wish I spoke English more on a regular basis so I could use phrases like that. Lol.

I get that Sam is worried though, watching this I was wondering how the hell they were gonna get out of there without any trouble.

Sam bumps into a prisoner, Lucas. Poor Sam really has no idea how to act at all among this group. So Dean has to go into protective-big-brother-mode and show him how it’s done.

Dean: Great, another guy who’s seen Taxi Driver one too many times.

Awwwww, Dean standing up for his baby brother. I want a flashback to the playground at school with a similar occurrence, if not in the show at least in the comic books! I want it now!

Dean was totally kicking that guy’s ass until the guards broke up the fight.

Okay, I have to pause now and say that the establishing shot of Dean in the solitary cell was incredibly hot!

Now back to our regular programming.

Dean: I wish I had a baseball.

Aww, Dean, such a Steve McQueen fanboy. It amuses me.

(Dean and Lucas are in solitary)
Lucas: I wish I had a bat, so I could bust your friggin' head in.
Dean: Okay, so much for the bonding-in-solitary moment.

Doesn’t work that way Dean, not that Lucas seemed like a real friendly guy.

So the ghost shows up and offs the other inmate. The way the ghost was done, as well as viewing it through the slots in the door reminded me a lot of No Exit. Creepy, I hate it when you’re just waiting for something to jump up into the screen.

Did I mention I really like Mara? I hope we’ll see her again sometime. I loved that she took the time to interview the people they’ve helped, and that she’s delving into the inconsistencies in Hendrickson’s case against them. Of course he dismisses her concerns and tells her to leave, prick.

So Sam finally gets a lead on the case when he meets Randall.

Sam: How you doing?
Randall: I’m 54 years old, mopping the floors of a crapper with bars on the window. How do you think I’m doing.
Sam: All right. Bad icebreaker.

Sam looked a little odd in this scene, not in a bad way. I can’t quite put my finger on it.

Randall: Why you inside, kid?
Sam: Cause I got an idiot for a brother.
Randall: That’ll do it.

Awww, Sam, that’s not nice. Dean went to solitary for protecting you.
 I think it’s kind of funny how exited Sam seems when Randall tells him about how Moody died, like; ‘omg, that’s so cool! Was there lots and lots of blood?’ Lol.

Dean playing cards! Oh, I love it. And Sam so surprised that Dean would want cigarettes.

Dean: That’s the Sammy I know. Come on, man, you’re like Clint Eastwood in Escape from Alcatraz.

I love that they’re actually continuing a little with all the movie stuff from last episode.

Hee, and I loved Dean standing up with the cigarettes asking who wanted to deal. Lol, good way to get tools.

Dean: Are you sure about this?

Sam: Pretty sure.

Dean: Yeah, well, considering the circumstances, I’d like a little better than pretty sure.
Sam: Okay, really pretty sure.

Hee, good one Sammy.

And Dean has to get in another fight. Considering the circumstances he was doing okay, but it was a good thing the guards broke it up when they did.

Sam gets to light something on fire! :o

I think it was kind of sweet of Dean to try to explain to Tiny why he’d provoked him.

(Dean has just told Tiny he had to provoke him)
Tiny: It's okay. My dad treated my brother and me like crap, right up until the day he died.
Dean: How'd he die?
Tiny: My brother shot him.

Dean: Okay.

Lol, the look on Dean’s face when Tiny tells him about his past. Too good. Poor Tiny, though.

Ghostly nurse was creepy, reminded me of Bjørk for some reason, still creepy though.

Smart thinking of Dean, grabbing the little salt he had and flinging it at her before she killed him. But sadly she went after Tiny instead, poor guy. One little conversation between him and Dean and I had loads of sympathy for the guy.

So Dean brings Sam up to speed, and since they’re out of options they go to Randall for info. I liked how they had to pay him in cigarettes, and Dean was kind of annoyed having to give him more than one.

Randall: I’ve heard these stories. I don’t know if they’re true. Cons love to talk, but we’re all liars.

Glockner sounded like a total psycho.

Randall: She did this Charles Bronson thing with a hypodermic.

It great how the boys alternate asking Randall questions. Kind of good to see Dean actually being serious during one of these question-rounds.

When Dean and Sam are talking about Glockner and who she’s killing, Dean says something like she’s going after everybody that brakes the law, like me. It just stuck out a lot that he’d phrase it like that. We know he carries guilt for some of the things he’s done, that he’s had to do, still he does what he does for the greater good.

Sam: You heard it on the yard?
Dean: Yeah.
Sam: Dean, does it bother you at all how easily you seem to fit in here?
Dean: No, not really.

I find it very interesting that Dean blended so nicely into the prison environment. He knew a lot more about the rules and how things work than Sam, and part of me wonders if it wasn’t for him having to protect Sam if Dean would really be that bummed if he actually got sentenced to a life in jail. I don’t know, I guess, for him, it would be a break from the life he has now.

I love how Dean gets Mara to help him out.

Mara: Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in here?
Dean: I've got a vague notion.

The conversation between the two seems very natural. She’s trying to be professional, and he’s asking for help. It was actually a very nice scene I liked it a lot.

Though Dean’s arms were kind of distracting.

I also really liked the part where he asked her to look at him and decide if she thinks he’s guilty.

I know the fight out in the yard between Sam and Dean was a way for them to get in contact with Deacon so he could let them out, but part of me wonders if Dean was serious about staying behind.

I didn’t really have a clue that Deacon was the guard, still I wasn’t very surprised when it was revealed.

It’s when they continue fighting after Deacon has gotten them alone in the room my thought around Dean really wanting to stay behind got even more substantial. I know he says he wants to work more on the case, but still…

Luckily for Sam, Mara came through, so they could get the hell out of jail.

I love the look on Dean’s face when Deacon says John raised them right.

Hee, kind of fair that Dean got to hit Deacon, considering what Deacon had to do to Dean.

I had such an uneasy feeling as the boys were breaking out, so sure they weren’t out of the woods yet.

Man, Hendrickson is pissed, pushing both Deacon and Mara so hard for information. Hendrickson is gonna be a real pain in the boys asses.

I knew the boys would kill the spirit before it managed to get deacon, but I was still stressed. Adding to that all the cop cars driving to the cemetery, wow. Though I was also sure that Mara hadn’t given them up, I’d love it if she’d keep looking into that case, and that she’d show up again later. I don’t know how that would work considering jurisdiction and such, but I would still love to see her again.

Sam: Thought we were screwed before.
Dean: Yeah yeah, I know. We gotta go deep this time.
Sam: "Deep"? Dean. We should go to Yemen.
Dean: Ooh, I'm not sure I'm ready to go that deep.

Oh, boys.

This was a great episode, and it was interesting to see the boys in this kind of setting. Judging by this Sam wouldn’t last long if they really were thrown in jail unless Dean was around to look after him. I’m sure Dean would be able to handle himself.

I just loved that this episode also had a lighter note than I had expected. I was sure it would be another dark one, which it was to some degree, but it was nicely combined with humour, which is a great way to win me over.

All in all I loved this episode, and I’m exited to see what we’ll be getting in the following episodes. I’ve already been kind of spoiled for the next one, which sucks, but I am hoping the things I know happen early. I’m staying spoiler free for the finale though!

jensen ackles, mara, sam winchester, hendrickson, jared padalecki, dean winchester, supernatural, no exit

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