Supernatural - 207 - The Usual Suspects

Nov 25, 2006 17:52

It's taken a while, but finally I bring you my review of
Supernatural - 207 - The Usual Suspects

Loved this episode. Just awesome.

I liked the recap, listing up many of their aliases and such, very good. I also liked how the first scene with the cops going to the motel room was kind of reminiscent of the opening scene in ‘Skin’. I liked that, but we all knew it was Dean who was handcuffed to the table, even if we hadn’t read any spoilers.

Even though I’m not a big fan of ‘The Exorcist’ I got a big kick out of Linda Blair having a guest spot. I’m all for them bringing in horror-movie-legends.

And then there was Jason Gedrick, who I’m sure the majority remembers from "Murder One", I however have to further back to the ‘Iron Eagle’ movies. I was never caught up in all the hype around the guy, but it was fun to see him again.

I love how Sam takes one look at Diana and after she gives him the coffee knows exactly what angle she’s trying to play. He does however seem a bit uneasy when Diana tells him all she’s figured out about him, and the look that crosses his face when she mentions Jess and John, poor boy.

Sam: I needed some time off, to deal. So, I'm taking a road trip with my brother.
Diana Ballard: How's that going for you?
Sam: Great. I mean; we saw the second largest ball of twine in the continental U.S. Awesome.

Lol, oh Sam, you might not want to admit it, but Dean’s snarkyness is rubbing off on you. I honestly doubt he’d thrown out an answer like that a year ago. I also for some reason love the fact that he smells the coffee Diana brought him before he drinks it.

Diana Ballard: Sam, you seem like a good kid. It’s not your fault Dean’s your brother. We can’t pick our family.

See, lady, there’s where you’ve misunderstood. Sam would pick Dean if he had the choice, you can use that line on our boys and expect them to crack.

I love how nothing Sam tells Diana lines up with what we see in the flashbacks. Other than him admitting that they were where they were at the time that is. Sam’s good at lying to the cops. Kind of amusing that he’s this good at it.

Dean: What do you think, Scully, want to check it out?
Sam: I’m not Scully, you’re Scully.
Dean: No, I’m Mulder. You’re a redheaded woman.

You know, no offence to the Sam fangirls, but I’m with Dean on this one. Though my conclusion goes more on the fact that Sam has longer hair and Dean’s is darker. However, it’s not important. Funny line though, and I have been waiting for another "The X Files" reference to pop up.

How is it that Dean is so horrible at being subtle when asking grown ups questions, especially grieving people? It depends on the situation, sometimes he does good, but there are times he seems so desperate to get the answers that he sometimes forgets that he’s talking to a person.

Sam: Anthony Giles' body was found right about here. (reads) "Throat slit so deep, part of his spinal cord was visible."
Dean: (whistles) What do you think? Vengeful spirit, underline "vengeful"?

The office scene, we got another reference to "The Shining", another film I’m not crazy about, but gotta love the reference. And then there’s the part where Dean gets bored. Lol! Personally I wouldn’t have gone for the noises straight away, but I think Dean was really itching to get out of there.

On thing I was thinking about though; Anthony Giles… I mean; Anthony Head played Giles on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". Was that some kind of discrete reference or am I just looking too hard?

Oh that scene with Karen alone in the house, creepy. This show is getting better at the creepy. I have to say. Very nice build-up, even though Karen did all the stuff that we’ve all learned from watching scary movies will lead to her death.

Then Dean is lucky enough to find the body. All I could think about at the time was him not leaving his fingerprints at the scene, but he did. And the cops bust in on him. Though I have to say Dean wasn’t exactly found with the knife in his hand. It looked exactly like what it was, that he had just discovered the body himself. Though the fact that he’s touching the body (not like that you pervs!) when they find him couldn’t look to good to the cops.

Now that we’re all caught up on how the boys ended up in police custody we get some info on the cops. Though this was the bit where I became convinced that Sheridan was bad.

The anagram thing! I loved that, and the fact that Dean thought of it a split second before Sam, and had to work on it in his head since he nothing to write with, while Sam had both pen and paper at his disposal. Both were great though, our boys would have solved the Da Vinci code in mere minutes!

Krause: I'm with the public defenders office. I'm your lawyer.
Dean: Oh, thank God. I'm saved.

Lol! The look on Dean’s face when he realises that this is the guy sent to defend him. Then just ignoring everything the guy says while working on the anagram. Poor lawyer seemed so confused, and Dean babbling about the anagram and asking the guy to pick out a word that looked familiar.

Krause: Do you understand how serious these charges are?
Dean: I’m handcuffed to a table. Yeah, I get it. Humor me.

I think the lawyer was smart though, to answer Dean, he probably figured that it’d be the best way to get Dean to focus on the charges against him. Didn’t work though, I love that Dean is so focused on the Case he’s working on and not even thinking about himself, while the lawyer is trying to make him realise how serious the situation is.

Dean: Thanks for the law review, Matlock.

That makes two Matlock references in the series as well, which amuses me. I love that Sam calls the guy Matlock too. Even though it felt kind of unnatural coming from Sam. I dunno why, it just didn’t seem right to me. It did get across a point about how close the brothers are though, which is why I do love that bit.

Dean’s confession! Lol! When I heard Dean was going to confess I thought, WTF! I was just trying to figure out what he was up to. This now ranks as one of the top moments.

Sheridan: Talk directly into the camera, start by stating your name for the record.
Dean: My name is Dean Winchester. I’m an Aquarius, I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women. And I did not kill anyone, but I know who did, or rather what did.

Dean: You know, Casper the Bloodthirsty Ghost.

Dean: You remember "redrum."

He did tell the truth, and if nothing else he now could try a plea of insanity if he ever gets to court. I am thinking this tape will be stored in an evidence locker. Still, he did tell the truth, and the looks on the cops’ faces are great, I did like Diana’s reaction when he mentioned the whole anagram bit.

And then Sam has escaped! Yay, Sam! People have wondered how he got out, and I distinctly remember there being a ledge or something close to the window he got out of, so I don’t see the problem. Plus he’s a Winchester; they’re trained in this sort of thing.

Love the way the boys communicate. The movie reference was great, also the second time Steve McQueen has been mentioned on the show.

Bathroom time. That was a good scene, though the look on the spirit’s face wasn’t as scary as it could have been. She kind of contorted it and ended up looking like she had an extra chin.

Poor Dean is sleepy. I’ve tried sleeping sitting up like that, positioning my hand like Dean did, it’s not to bad actually. Being able to lie down on a bed is better, but he didn’t have that option.

I like that Diana came to Dean for help, and that he’s snarky at first. I think he was a little on the defensive at first, until he noticed her wrists.

Dean: Time-Life: Mysteries of the Unknown. Look it up.

I also love that Dean is so willing to help Diana once he realises she might be in danger. He tells her how to find Sam, that’s a pretty big thing for him to do.

Dean: Go to the first motel listed in the yellow pages. Look for Jim Rockford, that's how we find each other when we're separated.

I like Diana’s reaction to Sam having crime photos and all the stuff he’s done to research the ghost, and how she views what Sam has to do when they find Claire, and how he actually finds her.

Sam: You know, I think this is bothering me.
Ballard: Well, you are digging up a corpse.
Sam: No, not that. See, it's pretty par for the course, actually.

Usually the boys have young women with them. Diana is a cop, a professional, she’s seen a lot of crazy stuff, but this is a bit much, even for her. I liked having a new perspective on the whole thing.

I knew Sheridan would pull something, but didn’t quite see him taking Dean like that. It did give us some more Dean snark though, so I’m happy.

Dean: Pee break? So soon? I think you might wanna get your prostate checked.

Sam was clever in figuring out how they could track down Sheridan and Dean. I’m glad they found the, when they did.

I like that Sam and Dean send each other looks while Sheridan is explaining himself to Diana. It looked like Sam wanted to try something, but Dean shook his head to tell him to stay put.

Sheridan: We can pin the whole thing on him. No trial, nothing, just one more dead scum bag.
Dean: Hey!

Even with a gun to his head he’s not willing to take an insult.

I liked the way the ending played out. The cops do all the shooting while the buys just watch. This was between Sheridan and Diana.

And then Diana lets the boys go! Yay. Dean seemed so unsure about how to relate to her, like he had no idea what she was thinking about him at that point.

Ballard: Unless... I just happened to turn my back, you walked away. I could tell them the suspects escaped.
Sam: Wait, are you sure?
Dean: Yes, she’s sure, Sam!

I loved that Sam tried to make sure that she knew what she was doing. Dean seemed so relieved when she said she’d let them go and then a little panicked when Sam started asking about what would happen to her. She did owe the boys though, they did save her life.

Dean Winchester: Did she look familiar to you?
Sam Winchester: No.
Dean Winchester: Are you hungry?
Sam Winchester: No, why?
Dean Winchester: For some reason, I could really go for some pea soup.

I was wondering through the entire episode if they’d mention ‘The Exorcist’ in any way. I’m glad they didn’t do anything to obvious, this was a nice way to link to the film. I also liked how the ending of this episode kind of reminded me of the ending of ‘The Benders’.

All in all I really liked this episode a lot. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; this season is awesome. I know a lot of people have commented on Linda Blair’s acting, and I have to admit she was a bit wobbly, but I looked past that as I liked the character, and it was Linda Blair!

tv, sam winchester, skin, the davinci code, buffy, anthony head, x-files, the usual suspects, the shining, dean winchester, the exorcist, supernatural

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