Supernatural 119: Provenance - Review with Pictures... or picspam with review, your call.

Apr 16, 2006 19:07

Thought it was my turn to write a review of the latest 'Supernatural' episode. It contains pictures and quotes, so you could safely say it has spoilers.
Btw, this is not gonna be dial up friendly, at all...

Okay, had to code this some way, regular writing is more in recap style, italics are my views on it, and bold is plotpoints. Hope that helps. ;)

A young couple is murdered in their home shortly after buying an antique painting of a family portrait circa 1910. Upon reviewing the painting's provenance, Sam and Dean learn that everyone who has ever bought the painting has been murdered and race to discover how the portrait is causing the deaths before it can claim its next victim.

The show starts off like it usually does, with some poor Canadian extras that are about to be killed off. Then again with that kind of taste in art maybe they had it coming. They've bought the creepy painting at an auction, and get all horny after spending all that money, so they decide to go to bed, but before they have chance to get busy something comes and kills them off. 
The scene cuts to a bar, and brings us one of the main reasons for watching the show, our boys:


Dean is busy getting some girl's number. Bitch! So at least someone is getting some. Sam on the other hand is joe-college, busy doing research and not really interested in the girls. Now, see, if it wasn't for what happens during this episode I'd start to wonder. However the Winchest fans don't need more ammo.
Sam has discovered something exiting in one of the papers, the story of the dead Canadian extras, and starts waving at Dean to come over, Dean's not that happy about it, but he makes his way over to Sam and Sam tries to fill him in on what he's discovered.

Sam: Alright, so I think I got something.
Dean: Oh yeah, me too. I think we need to take a little shore leave, just a little, what do you think, huh? I'm so in the door with this one.
Sam: So what are we today, Dean? Are we rock stars, Army Rangers?
Dean: We're L.A. TV scouts looking for people with special skills. I mean, hey, it's not that far off, huh?

Sam: Thanks, Dean, but I can get my own dates.
Dean: You can, but you don’t.

I have to say I really liked this scene. Again it brings forth that Dean cares about Sam, but this is a touchy subject, so he can't just out and say 'You have to get laid, Sam!' There's also the humor involved, Dean is a good looking guys so of course he's gonna use that to his advantage. At the end of the convo when Sam tells Dean that it can to wait till morning he's out of there so quick and over to the girl again, who now has a friend with her. Our Dean is a horny boy ain't he.

The next morning, another great scene, Dean is sleeping in the car while Sam investigates. Not having quite let go of the prank contest from 'Hell House' Sam decides to help Dean wake up... by honking the horn in the Impala.


Dean is not very amused, Sam and the audience however find it very funny, and how we laugh.

Again, I loved this scene. A little tribute to 'Hell House' and also showing, I think, that the brothers have become more comfortable around eachother again. Stuff like that takes time, and it's over the last few episodes that I've noticed this little change. It also brings forth more layers in the characters, and I love that. Okay, some more pics from this scene just because I love it.



Sam fills Dean in on what he's found out, basically that the house is empty, both with regards to pissed off spirits and furniture. So our boys head to the auction house, where the show's creator has a chance to show off a bit, but we don't mind, because he brought us this show, and we are so thankful that we all feel really clever for spotting it.


This all brings me to one of my fave scenes in the episode, the boys trying to blend in with uppedy rich people without actually making an effort. They didn't even bother to wash the car.
Dean makes it clear how he feels about the place, and figures while he's there he might as well get something to eat.

Dean: Consignment auctions, estate sales - it's like a garage sale for WASPs if you ask me.


The the gallery owner approaches, Daniel Blake, and wants to kick them out, they're too pretty and steal attention away from the art pieces, even with Dean stuffing his face. Dean pretends to mistake Daniel for a waiter and leaves Sam to take care of the introductions, however, when Daniel won't shake Sam's hand Dean goes into protective-older-brother-mode and offends Daniel by calling him chuckles and telling him to check the guest list again, because they are totally on it. Chuckles... er I mean Daniel leaves them to check the guest list.


I so love this scene, especially when Dean offends Daniel, he doesn't like rich people, and he especially doesn't like rich people who won't even shake his brother's hand. The part where Dean finally gets his champagne and glares at Daniel... yeah, he's not happy with Daniel's behaviour. Not at all. Did I mention I love this scene?

The boys move on, looking for clues, and the find the creepy ass painting. but that's not all they find; Dean finds more food and Sam finds a girl, Daniel's daughter, Sarah.



Sam is all excited that he's found someone to ask questions about the painting. Dean is happy he's found some more food, and they all lived happily every after. Okay, that's a lie, of course Daniel has to come a long and ruin it for everybody by throwing the boys out of his auction house. I suspect though Dean was happy to get out of there, mini Quiches aren't exactly filling, so it's time to get some real food before checking in to a motel. Dean finally full and able to think about something other than food starts to ask Sam about what he and Sarah were talking about.

Dean: Grant Wood, Grandma Moses...what?
Sam: Art History course. It's good for meeting girls.
Dean: It's like I don't even know you.

And then they enter their fabulous room, it looks like it hasn't been redecorated since the 70s. But the boys don't seem to care, and why would they? They've been on the road since they were kids and have probaly seen worse things than this. It's not like the room in Hell House was anything to brag about either.

The boys settle in to their new home, and Dean learns a new word. They discuss the case, but Dean stears the conversation over to Sarah.

Sam: Maybe you can get her to write it all down on a cocktail napkin.
Dean: Not me.
Sam: No, no, no, no. Pickups are your thing, Dean.
Dean: It wasn't my butt she was checking out.

As the awesome big brother he is, Dean gets Sam to take Sarah out on a date. At first they seem about as comfortable as two kids in the dentists chair, but things loosen up, and it's obvious that there is an attraction between the two.
This is a very nice scene too. Even though Sam is reluctant to tell Sarah much about his past and losses, he seems to open up to her more after she tells him about her mother. The conversation between the two seems natural, and it's nice to see Sam with a girl, and I also think Jared gets a chance to shown that he's grown as an actor.
Sam manages to get the provenances (history) for the painting from Sarah without having to do anything he doesn't want to.

Sam: And nothing. That's it, I left.
Dean: You didn't have to con her or do any special favors or anything like that?
Sam: Dean, would you get your mind out of the gutter?

So Sam goes through the info they've collected and just find out what they already know, that the painting is bad. The writers are busy giving us another Dean/weapon moment, which we love, so he's sharpening his knife, and learning how to pronounce "provenances".


Now comes the part where they break in to the auction house, steal the painting and burn it.
And the part where I squee over how fast Dean gets over the fence, and how good he looks breaking in and setting things on fire... what? Like you didn't enjoy it!



But it wasn't going to be that easy. The picture just reappears in its frame, but Sam and Dean don't know because they weren't there.


The next morning Sam is ready to get going and find new evil to battle, but Dean has lost his wallet in the warehouse and they have to go back to the auction house to look for it, where they run into Sarah. Turns out this was just Dean's clever plan to get Sam laid. He gives Sam 20 bucks and tells them he has stuff to do, and leaves the two crazy kids to talk. Sam can't be convinced however, and tells Sarah they're leaving, but that is before he sees that the freaky ass painting has come back to life.

Sam: Oh my God!

I know some people have had problems with this moment, but I loved it, and I laughed so hard. Poor boy is trying be a gentleman and to not throw Sarah on the nearest table and shag her sensless, when he gets another shock. The whole scene from the moment Dean tells Sam he's lost his wallet to the part when Sam is back out in the car with him is great. I totally loved it. Sam's always the calm one, so it was kind of fun to see him handle some pressure... I mean, other than fighting demons. Normal pressure... yeah. Anyway, I loved Dean for doing this, he really is an awesome big brother. ;)
Also when Sam is backing away from Sarah, to go tell Dean about the painting, I was so sure he was going to back into something, and break it.
Sarah reassures Sam that the painting won't be sold again anytime soon. Sam who is now freaked hurries out to the car to be comforted by Dean. Okay, so he didn't. All I'm asking for is a hug Kripke! A friggin hug! Okay, back to what happened, they freak out a bit, and Dean calls Sam names .


Sam: I don't understand, Dean. We burned the damn thing!
Dean: Yeah, thank you, Captain Obvious.

I had to smile at that one. I thought Captain Obvious had become the trademark name of movieverse Legolas, and couldn't be used anywhere else, I still think Legolas/Orlando Bloom when I hear that one, and have to admit it was kind of weird hearing it used on someone else.
The boys decide to do some more research, about the creepy ass family in the creepy ass painting this time. They find a crime history buff and while Dean reads guns weekly, Sam asks the questions.



I was so amused by the look on Dean's face when he was reading the gun mag, looks like he's discovered a mistake or something, like he know more than what's written, I dunno.


They find out a barber went all mad and killed of his family and come to the conclusion that it's daddy dearest that's responsible, since he's a barber and all. They also find out the family was cremated, and they get a copy of the painting from a book. It isn't quite similar to the real thing. In the meantime Daniel Blake is selling the painting again, despite his daughter's wishes. You see Daniel is a greedy bastard, and money comes first. He'd probably sell Sarah too if he thought he could get a good price for her.

Sarah: You’re shameless, you know that?
Daniel Blake: For that kind of money, I can afford to be.

The guys discuss some more about the painting and what to do, Dean figures that other things in the picture have changed, not just daddy dearest. 
What I find amusing here is that Sam mentions 'The DaVinci Code', and Dean says he's waiting for the movie. It's a cute moment, but part of me thought it was a good thing that Dean hasn't read that book. It was overhyped, and looks like the movie will be more fun... shorter anyway, but I should get back on track.

Dean  pesters Sam about getting in contact with Sarah. Sam gets annoyed, afraid Dean is trying to turn him into a male prostitute to service the rich elite.

Sam: You know, I don't get it. What do you care if I hook up?
Dean: Because then maybe you wouldn't be so cranky all the time.

Sam is thrown for a moment. That's when Dean goes into big-brother-mode again and says that Jessica would want him to be happy, and basically saying that he also wants to see Sam happy. We all do really, he needs some happiness. 


I love this moment, when Dean is going into big-brother-mode, worried about Sam, and how he's dealing with Jess' death and how it's affecting him with regards to Sarah and just plain fun. This scene is very well done by both actors, and from a longer storyline point of view I loved it too. They're staring to open up more to eachother, and Dean isn't as sarcastic about everything as he's been before. As time goes by they're talking more, and I like that. It's a development I'm very happy about.
Now on the fangirl side of things, Dean looked so totally hot in that scene. *coough* right, back on track...
Sam finally calls Sarah, more because they have to have another look at the painting than wanting to hook up with her. After stumbling through the hello part, Sarah tells him the painting has been sold, and Sam worries.


A old woman had bought the painting, and like the couple in the beginning she is attacked. The boys arrive just as Sarah is pulling in with her car, Sam tells her to stay away, but she follows them inside, Where they find that the woman has had her throat slit. It's freak out time. Sam drags her out of the house and just as she also sees daddy dearest move in the painting.
I liked the fact that Sarah showed up there, I was worried they were going for the whole have-to-keep-secrets-for-people-we-care-about thing that the WB seems to be so fond of. It not exactly been the shows typical way to do things, but this episode felt different, but I was very happy they stuck to the formula. Plus Sam actually having a love interest that know could be good for him.

Following scene Sam and Dean are back in the disco room and Sarah comes for a visit, she's kind of pissed. The brothers tell her the truth about what is going on, at first she doesn't believe, but Sam turns on the puppy dog act, and she decides she wants to help them figure things out.

Sarah: Look, you guys are probably crazy, but if you're right about this, well, me and my dad sold that painting. We might have got those people killed. Look, I'm not saying I'm not scared, because I am scared as hell. But I'm not going to run and hide, either. So, we going or what?
Dean: Sam, marry that girl.


I think that might be my favourite line in the episode, I so agree with Dean. She's totally perfect for Sam, and now she knows his secret.

So they break back into the house, and have another look at the freaky ass painting, noticing more things that have been changed. Sarah gets a crash course in hunting. They follow the clues to a masoleum where the family of daddy dearest has been buried.

Sarah: So this is what you guys do for a living?
Sam: Not exactly. We don't get paid.

They find the place, and Dean helps them get inside to get a closer look. They discover that daddy dearest isn't there, he had to go somewhere else to make room for the kids toys. Can't go into the afterlife without toys.

Dean manages to find somewhere he can find out where daddy dearest's body is, while Sarah and Sam sit outside chatting, and getting closer. Sarah pretty much says she's into him, but Sam is thinking about Jess, and he's worried that if he gets involved with another girl she'll die too, and that he's considering becoming a monk. She says that she could die tomorrow, but that doesn't convince him, she wants some action. Sam won't have any of it, and Dean saves him from the horny girl. He's figured out that daddy dearest wasn't cremated, but buried cheaply since his family was so ashamed of him.


I really liked this scene as well, the flow of the convorsation was so natural, and Sarah makes good arguments to why Sam shouldn't close himself off from anyone. I still think he has the right to mourn, Jessica has only been dead about 6 months, so I totally get why Sam isn't rushing in to anything. On the other hand he can't close himself completely off, and like Sarah says, she could get hit by a buss tomorrow.

They head out to daddy dearest's grave and dig it up, Sarah gets to hold the flashlight and watch them dig. Lucky girl.

Sarah: You guys are uncomfortably comfortable with this.
Sam: Well, this isn't exactly the first grave we've dug. Still think I'm a catch?


Dean gets to show off his muscles by breaking the box, the boys salt the body and pous gasoline on it, and Dean gets the honor of setting the bastard on fire. Afterwards the go for a drive back to the old lady's house to have anothe look at the painting, they've grown kind of fond of it by now and want to say good bye. Sam heads inside, and Sarah decides to go with him. Dean decides to spend some alone time with the Impala as it's been a while. He puts the radio on to listen to some music, but Sam puts and end to that, just because it's a romantic song... not everything is about you Sam.
Dean really has a little Pyro living in him doesn't he? He's always the one who sets things on fire, I'm beginning to wonder if his reasons for setting fire to the Hell House were as pure as he made it seem.
I loved the scene outside the house as well, when Dean turns on the music, I don't think he did it on purpose, he just wanted to listen to some tunes while he waited, still very funny though.

Once inside the scary truth is revealed, it wasn't daddy dearest who killed everyone, it was the adopted daughter, yeah, some crazy lil'Samara wannabe. She closes the door and is all happy to have two new victims to play with. Meanwhile Dean is outside banging on the door, they contact eachother via cellphone and realize that lil'Samara had donated some hair to her dolly.
I love the fact that they used their cell phones. It's become such a big part of everyday life, yet so few action/thriller/horror movies use cell phones. They're rarely present. So cudos to the writers for that.


Dean jumps in the Impala and races towards the cemetary, while Sam and Sarah try to fight off Samara with fireplace pokers. Dean manages to get the doll, but of course has some lighter problems, he finally manages to set the doll on fire and lil'Samara finally goes to hell where she belongs. 
The oart where Dean is trying to break the glass is great, he's about to leav but remembers 'Hey, guns have bullets'. Loved that, kind of natural too, as you don't always think straight when you're stressed.
Sarah is pleased to find Sam on top of her after the ordeal, but she doesn't get what she wants as Dean calls and Sam gets off her.


The morning after at the auction house the painting is being packed up, and Dean shares some more info about lil'Samara. She was up for adoption because her real family had been found dead in their beds. Sarah orders the painting to be burned, and Dean leaves Sam and Sarah alone to say their goodbyes, a little hurt that nobody thanked him for burning the toy.
Again a great moment, Dean taking the hint that the two need to be alone, giving Sam a last chance to actually make a move.


Sarah: There are million things that I want to say to you, but for the life of me, I can't think of one.
Sam: Yeah, I'll miss you too.

Sarah is waiting for  Sam to make a move, but it doesn't happen and he leaves. She's sad, but then there's a knock on the door, she opens it, and finally gets a kiss from Sam, a very long kiss, well they're going at it. Dean witnesses this, and is happy to see that Sam has ditched the plans to become a monk, and is now sure he really is an awesome brother.


Dean: That's my boy.

I loved the fact that Sam went back. Sarah is a great match for him, and they really are cute together. I also enjoyed Dean's line at the end. He's been looking out for his brother, and is happy to see him finally do something for himself.
Now we just have to wait and see if Sam is still snogging Sarah when the next episode begins.

In short I really loved this episode, it now ranks among my fave, so many great moments and new levels to the guys, it was nice to see. I really enjoyed it.

Holy crap, I've been working on this thing for about 5-6 hours... *shakes head* This fandom so totally owns me.

jensen ackles, painting, sam winchester, the davinci code, review, lotr, jared padalecki, dean winchester, supernatural, picture, legolas

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