Had quite a trip yesterday.
Was driven to Heatrow by a very cheerful taxi driver. He was really funny and amusing.
Got to Heathrow, checked in, sat down and waited... it's 15 minutes till my flight leaves and they finally list it as delayed by 30 minutes. That means I only have 15 minutes in Oslo, so I go to a help desk to check my options, was helpful.
I return to the screen, and find out the flight's been delayed another 20 minutes.
When we finally get on the plane, there's no apology or anything, just some lame story about how they're driver made them an hour late... and all I can think is that we have to check in 2 hours before take off, they should sure as hell manage to get there in time too. I was getting used to the idea of having the night at a hotel in Oslo, cos when I looked at my watch it was take off time for my next flight. While on our way in for landing we're told that passangers going to Kristiansand have to go to gate 22. I see a glimpse of hope.
Rush of the plane, end up in a pass port check que that doesn't move, and kind of give up hope again. Get out, collect my bags, hurry up, find that there are no people there. Find a screen that says gate closing, and run like hell, with one 10kg bag and a 20kg bag = heavy. There were no security checks open, get rushed through the one for the pilots, run like hell again, reach the gate out of breath near to having an athma attack. The gate is empty... I feel like giving up when suddenly a woman comes throught the doors, I'm so out of breath I barely manage to ask if I can still get on, when two other passangers run up behind me. She lets us in, and I have to drop my bag through a shute to get it under the plane. I sit, still out of breath. But very happy to be on the plane. Turns out they were waiting for us, and some other people, so we sit there for a while and finally depart after a small family has boarded the plane... That plane is about an hour and a half late.
I finally get home to my family!
beluga was with my parents to the airport, she's moved in. :) Was good to see them again.
I was home at about 2 a.m. Didn't really get to sleep till about 3 a.m. Rather tired and exhausted.
Today was a calm day.
isil80 stopped by, we watched '
Supernatural' eps 4-10. I love that show!!! My fave episode has to be ep 5; 'Phantom Traveler'. Brilliant.
Topped it off with two episodes of '
House', think
Beluga liked it... must find more episodes.