Aug 10, 2005 13:04

I know you're all just dying to know hoe the 'talk' at work went, well you will have to wait no longer because I'm going to tell you...
It went fine, I put on my nice voice, and she took all that I said and jotted it down on the form so the superiors can have a look at it. She explained some things to me so I could see she had been struggeling as well, but to be honest I'm not very sympathetic... I din't get to say everything I wanted to say, because I forgot the list in the ticket booth, but no bother.
But now I am free, I will never had to work in that shithole again. :D

Now I am at home waiting for Benedicte and Nina to come for a visit, they're staying over till tomorrw. Am thinking I'll take them out in the boat this evening, just relax, see if beluga and isil80 will join us down in the city. If they're not levaing straight away tomorrow, I'm thinking a trip to the zoo might be in the cards... it is after all one, of not the, major tourist attraction in this city.

Hmm, am feeling the need for a little change here, anyone wanna make an icon for me?
Wish is simple, Elijah Wood, Hugh Jackman/Wolverine, or one with both?

Don't know if I said, but I've posted a new batch of icons over at mukkianglia, plaese join. :)

icons, work, summer, norway, nina, benedicte

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