Jan 12, 2005 19:49
once again, its been way too long since i've updated. i have so much to write about. i don't even know where to start.
new years... garret came back and we went with my family to this restaurant. it was this wierd place where the waiters were supposed to be rude and stuff. but my family was so much worse than they could have ever been that it didn't really matter. but during the course of the night we had a food fight, spit wad fight, my uncle started a fire on the table and made a huge mess. it was a pretty small place so we were the entertainment for everyone else.
quite awhile ago we had this little "problem" with our new puppy. i haven't really written much about her because of this. my other dog, crystal, kind of attacked her. it was on a sunday so we had to bring her to the emergency vet. two bones in her face were fractured, she had a puncture wound under her chin and her eye was scratched. it was horrible. we were so mad at crystal. i couldn't even look at her for a week. we were seriously going to giver her away. my mom even talked about putting her down. (this isn't the first time its happened). my mom basically left it up to me to do something with her. i just kept telling her that i couldn't give her up. that if she wanted to get rid of crystal she would have to do it without my consent. but after a few weeks of debating, crystal was feeling really bad. she knew what she did. she hid all the time until she couldn't take it anymore. then she started staying by us everywhere we went. she would bring us everything she could see. so my mom gave in. right now we are just watching them closely. and we decided to keep them both.
so now crystal has become even closer to me ( i was the only one that was nice to her for like 2 weeks). the puppy sprang back from her injury very quickly. and since im home quite a bit. the puppy has also adopted me. she follows me everywhere. even when its me and my mom home, she will stay by me. shes so good in the stores. she going to make a great paws dog. right now shes even laying by my chair chewing on her toy. so now i have two babies, one that hates the other one and tried to kill it...
lets see...kim is still getting married. im still not to happy about it. im sure this will keep comming up because it is a huge dilemma that i don't know how to deal with. i hung out wiht her yesterday after not seeing her for a couple months. im so worried about her. i really don't think she understands what marriage is at all. i wish she would wait until jason is out of his service. i guess i will just keep praying that God will show them the right path to take whatever that may be. she said something about looking for bridesmaid dresses. holy shit. if she gets married next summer...i don't know if i can do it. they want to get married before he gets shipped out. what a great plan...lets get married and then i won't see you for six months. a great way to start a marriage...
yea, crazy stuff....crazy stuff...