The incompetence of some people in this world astounds me. Further, these incompetent people somehow find jobs in this world. Tonights happenings make my faith in humanity drop lower than it's been in a LONG time. Oh, I know there are good people out there, but when those people aren't in power and don't have the power to do things, it ain't doing people any good. Let me explain...
For the past four months, we've had two of our closest friends living with us. Basically, they were getting married but moving to Toronto, and to help them out financially, we let them live with us rent free until after they were married. Needless to say, after four months with four people in a one bedroom apartment, we were all looking forward to the day when they would be moving into their own apartment. We weren't pissed at eachother, or at eachothers throats or anything, but just looking forward to having our own spaces again.
So, today being September 1, and the day they are supposed to move into their apartment, we were all feeling pretty good (after a few snafu's with the truck...nothing major at all though). Anyway, this morning around 10:00 or so, the phone rings. It's bell canada calling our friends and saying, "Uh...we can't hook up your phone line in your new apartment, because the current tenants have stated that they aren't moving today." So, we think to ourselves, 'that's odd...the must have gotten the address mixed up or something because the lease says September 1...' But, just to be sure, we call. Sure enough, the dumbfuck of a superintendant says we can't move them because the floor isn't done. This is unacceptable by any standards, so Sean (the male counterpart of our friends) calls
Wynn properties and talks to the receptionist (the only person in the office, apparently) and after going back and forth, she basically says that by 3:00 today, we can get their stuff moved in. That's about 4 hours later than we wanted to start, but still doable. And this way the 16 foot Budget truck that's costing over $375 will be back in time.
So, 3:00 rolls around, we pull up and go knock on the supers apartment (which just happens to be the one they're moving into). After about 20 minutes, a woman answers the door. Looking inside, she hasn't even come close to begining to pack. She tells us, "No no no...I spoke to you, I tell you you no move in today. I no move till September 5th." Dumbfounded, we call the office again, looking for a solution. After several hours of gritting my teeth, holding in my tears of rage and NOT punching the stupid anal puss bubble of a superintendant in the teeth, the solution they have is to move all our friends stuff into an empty tenth floor apartment till the apartment the super is going in to has it's floors dried.
Now, I'm no supergenius or anything, but why the hell should they have to move their stuff twice, while the super takes his lazy ass fucking time doing shit that should have NO GODDAMN FUCKING EFFECT ON WHAT WE'RE DOING?! Fucking cocksmear. At least I can hope for karma to come around, 'n all that jazz.
Now, we decide that instead of incurring extra truck costs, let's unload everything we can into the lobby and get the truck returned. So we do, and Kyria (the female counterpart) and I return the truck, and head back only to find yet another poor soul in a similar situation. This one was coming from a different city (Guelph) and the super decided that he'd varnish her floors this afternoon (varnish take 18-24 hours to dry properly). If you've never been in an apartment that smelled like varnish, it's highly toxic and will indeed kill you if you're over exposed to it. So, after hearing the cocksmears complaints about how tough it is to get things ready on time, they call the police.
Now, my wife and I are at home (before the police arrived) and hoping to god that cocksmear finds himself jobless tomorrow. Because, it's not tomorrow, that means that peoples tempers may have calmed down enough for them not to go through with pushing for it, and all this might happen to another person. I don't think I can allow that. One way or another, it's stopping today.