Nov 11, 2006 00:50
wow i havent been here forever
well here's some writing
my creativity is running dry
mind turning into a pink pudding
devoid of logic
a fury of thoughts
oozing from my ears
bubbling up through my mouth
they spill freely
dead men know this feeling
infecting the living
feeding the bacteria
the disease grows inside me
traveling the red channels
multiplying hordes of evil
I the artist
I the writer
I the being
am decaying
caving in on oneself is a painful process
skin loosening on my hands
fitting my bones like an oversized glove
peeling back reveling their true dark nature
---thats least i think it is....
the beast
The electricity has gone
her eyes dimming to a matte finish
shaking to the tips
she heaves the creature up through her asphalt lungs
praying for the end
his cackling skips over and over in her head
the golden beast scars her
in the dark the gas giants hang their heads in sorrow
knowingly fading down into the well
could they know?
She coughed up smoke blurring the good one's face
the beast made his final stand
where dead bodies lie survivors surrender
admitting defeat
face fate's iron fist
it will all be over soon
i promise
yeah thats all i guess