Shakey Wakey

Oct 01, 2012 18:42

► ...and the current vertigo bout continues. I really sincerely hope this isn't going to turn into a two month ordeal like I had last spring. This morning I seemed all right, but then I mostly stayed in bed watching DVDs so I didn't move much. That all changed in the afternoon when between sitting at the computer and moving around the apartment playing with the cat my dizziness increased dramatically. I spent most of the afternoon nauseous as a result. Luckily the nausea and dizziness seem to be slowly subsiding now, although I probably shouldn't make plans to get either a going away present.

9gag: Creeps me out - The most unsettling and horrifying Bert & Ernie cosplay I've ever seen.

9gag: Ace Ventura - Ace Ventura cosplay that amuses me.

Judith ann Braun: Symmetrical Procedures - Fingerpaint isn't just for kindergarten.

Moviepilot: Ben Affleck Could Have Been Daredevil... Again! - Daredevil is a movie that didn't deserve all the hate it got. I thought it was actually pretty good, and the director's cut version on DVD is even better. I wouldn't have minded seeing Affleck do another, although the idea of getting him to star in a reboot seems like it would have been counter productive if the point was to distance it from the 2003 film.

Archdukes, Cynicism, and World War I: Crash Course World History #36 - A fairly entertaining and informative rundown of WWI, although the marginalization and dismissal of Canada's involvement in a one line joke is rather disappointing given the actual importance of Canada's military. But yeah, Canada's "lame", whatever.

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Quote of the Moment

Denise: I'm not a nympho, I'm not Mary Poppins either but I'm not a nympho.
- Earthquake (1974)

Drinking: water
Watching: Monk: Season 1 (DVD set);

history, world, art, canada, videos, muppets, sesame street, jim carrey, sick, 9gag, casting, creepy, cosplay, war, artists, daredevil

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