► I had a very strange dream this morning. In it I was at a dog shelter/breeder looking to adopt a small dog, but a playful and friendly female
German Shepherd kept bounding up to me. She was very affectionate so I adopted that dog. Then I was immediately replaced in the dream by
David Hyde Pierce. Re-cast in my own dream. Well he IS a bigger name star than I am.
It was actually a struggle falling asleep last night, a mixture of the muggy weather and the bizarre bone aching pain that's been coursing through my left arm down to my knuckles and fingers. I think the sudden switch from cool weather to the heat and awful humidity has my old arm injuries flaring up (nerve damage and chipped wrist). It's been slowly getting better this afternoon, but it still aches a lot. Ibuprofen doesn't seem to be helping either.
After several days of tossing and turning, I hope I can get some rest tonight.
► This weekend I'm having a repeat of "Derek's Folly" from last week. I bit on another crap-load of drawings on Ebay (well, twenty), most of which ended today (two end tomorrow and the rest on Monday). My strategy, as always, is that I lose the vast majority of the drawings I bid on, so bidding on many increases my chances of winning one of two. It's been working so far these past couple of weeks, as today I won two drawings out of twelve auctions.
The drawings I won this time are
Hawkgirl by Henrique, and
Jean Grey as Marvel Girl by
Carlos Silva (my third drawing by him).
No idea why Jean is posed in front of a bar, though.
Every time I do this I spent the days counting down to the auctions closing by stressing and fretting over the possibility (which is unlikely) of my winning all or most of the drawings I bid on and being stuck with a massive bill. Given how even Dean has been saying I need to stop this, maybe I should. I just can't seem to help myself. My hoarding tendencies and obsessive compulsive disorder make it difficult for me to cut back on things like this. Which is why I have over 1200 DVDs and boxes filled with action figures I no longer have room for. Buying things helps calm me down when my stress disorder get's too much, which is actually a sign of bipolar disorder.*
While it may explain my tendencies, I really hesitate to blame my mental issues for my actions. Ultimately I'm doing this of my own accord, and really, All I need to do is exert some self-control and cut back. There's nothing really wrong with bidding on the drawings, but I don't think I should be throwing bids at so much stuff. Moderation is probably the key.
* My psychologist once suggested I have an atypical form of bipolar disorder which feeds into my panic disorder, chronic clinical depression, and agoraphobia. However it was merely a suggestion at the time, and I've never been formally diagnosed with it.
10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About GI JOE's Creation - The article could be retitled the Many Ways
Larry Hama Is Awesome.
Revisiting Omaha: The erotica issue, in comics and beyond (comments) - While the article may be interesting (I don't know, not having read it), this link is to a section of the comments below which I found most amusing. A bunch of commentators hypothesizing on what it would be like if the infamous
Rob Liefeld drew erotic comic books. Cheap jokes maybe, but I found it amusing.
Superman Finds a New Arch Enemy -
Lex Luthor doesn't like it when
Superman starts seeing other arch enemies, via Facebook.
Brilliant Effects Master Phil Tippett Sheds Some Light on George Lucas' 'Star Wars'-Tinkering Mind - Special effects legend
Phil Tippett blasts
George Lucas for yet more changes to
the Star Wars original trilogy in the upcoming
Blu-Ray release...
We Can't Get Mad at George Lucas for Changing Star Wars - ...while this guy defends Lucas' right to do whatever he wants.
One can't help but wonder what
a younger George Lucas might think tinkering and altering classic movies..."People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an exercise of power are barbarians, and if the laws of the United States continue to condone this behavior, history will surely classify us as a barbaric society.
In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.
Attention should be paid to this question of our soul, and not simply to accounting procedures. Attention should be paid to the interest of those who are yet unborn, who should be able to see this generation as it saw itself, and the past generation as it saw itself."
Hmm, not much I would think.
► Time for some nightmare fuel:
see more
Lol Celebs Quote of the Moment
General Zod: Why do you say this to me when you know I will kill you for it?
- Superman II (1980)
Drinking: water
Eating: peach rings gummy candies
Watching: 30 Rock: Season 4 (DVD set)