► I feel really weak today. All night long I was fine, and had nothing wrong with me, that is until I finally went to bed this morning just after 6:00am. Within 5 minutes of laying down I had a horrible pain in my upper abdomen. After Dean was finished using the washroom getting ready for work, I went in and ended up stranded on the toilet for 40 minutes of excruciating and seemingly unending "evacuation". Two hours later I had another shorter bout of "evacuation".
My best guess is I ate too many
Little Debbie Honey Buns during the night while on the computer. Not sure what else could have been the cause. I'm going to fast for the rest of the day, and drink a few glasses of water, and hope that this is over and I'll be fine enough to manage going to Dad's tomorrow for the Father's Day barbeque (without having an panic attacks or getting sick if I eat).
► I better wrap Dad's Father's Day gift tonight.
► According to the federal government, the earliest that they'll have legislation passed to force an end to the Canada Post lockout and get the striking union workers back to work is next Thursday. No idea if that means mail will resume the next day or what. We actually haven't gotten any mail since the middle of last week.
What really gets me about this whole situation is how condescending most of the editorials and comments I've seen about the strike/lockout have been. Snide and smug opinions about how outdated and antiquated the post office is, and how this event is gaining apathy and generally unnoticed as "no one uses mail anymore". As someone who has half a dozen packages frozen and held hostage somewhere in the Canadian post, I say "fuck you." A lot of Canadians still rely on the post office and delivery. Most stuff bought online from the United States is shipped regular mail. It's one thing to have your property locked up and kept out of your hands by the squabbling union and post office, it's another to be insulted by arrogant commentators.
What's making this even more of a pain in the ass, is how
Jack Layton and the opposition party keeps blowing hot air about keeping the government from passing the legislation, and allowing this lockout and strike to continue indefinitely. I'm a Canadian citizen who just wants his mail and packages.
28 Great Movies From the Perspective of Minor Characters - My favourites are 28, 26, 25, 19, and 18.
Marvel Superhero Hoodies - Is it too geeky to say I'd like the
Captain America hoodie?
Is J.K. Rowling Working On More Harry Potter? - When
Rowling finished the
7th Potter book she said she'd never write another, but I figured it would just be a matter of time before she would. It's hard to shut down a money making machine. That's not to say I'm critical of the idea, or her milking it further, far from it. If she has more ideas then by all means she should keep it going. Actually, I've long thought she should do a book series around the 7 years Lily, Snape, James and the Marauders were at Hogwarts.
19 classic movie monsters scientists created by screwing up BIG - If movies teach us one thing, it's that scientific advancement and technology is to be feared and hunted, and preferably by unwashed mobs wielding pitchforks and torches.
Totally Demented Green Lantern Storylines That Won’t Be in the Movie - Looking at the list helps you realized we really are in the renaissance of
Green Lantern comics. Regarding number 3 on the list, I always thought the never helping "the black-skins" has to be one of the most heavy-handed and idiotic comic book issues when you take into account that
Hal up to that point had saved the Earth (which the "black-skins" live on!) countless times. Some people are just ungrateful.
xkcd - Magic School Bus
Quote of the Moment
Mental: Gas man. How the hell did they know that I got gas?
- Dumb & Dumber (1994)
Drinking: Canada Dry ginger ale
Reading: Vanity Fair magazine (July 2011 issue)
Last Watched: X-Men: First Class (2011);