Mail, Cops, Nerves, And SatyQ Sketches

Jun 15, 2011 14:00

► Ok, looks like it's now a full postal lockout. Wonder how long this will last. I'm still waiting for a few packages, but I guess I'll get them "eventually". But that depends on how long the government allows this pissing contest to continue."We're striking!"
"Oh yeah? Well you're locked out!"
"You can't do that!"
"Can to!"
"Nuh huh!"
"Yes huh!"
"Nuh huh!"
"Uh huh!"
That's basically what it's been for the last couple of weeks.

Edit: Looks like the Prime Minister and the Labour Minister announced today that they'll be pushing for legislation to force an end to the postal deadlock. I like how Jack Layton (the opposition party leader) is criticizing it saying the government should stay out and let Canada Post and the worker union settle it themselves. That seems shockingly naive since they've been arguing back and forth for 7 months, and thumbing their noses at each other for the past 3 weeks.

► For the second time in 2 weeks there are police in front of the building across the street. This just after the fire department showed up there on the weekend. Seriously, what the hell is up over there?

All last year police cars kept showing up at the building, including the drug raid last September with police in bullet-proof vests. Is the apartment and building cursed? Is it a hive of scum and villainy? The street was so quiet the first two years we were here, but ever since the new owners bought that building it's been ridiculous.

► Dad dropped off a note for Dean earlier (coincidentally while the police were still in front of the building). Originally I was supposed to go out with him today but last night I asked if we could put it off until Friday and he agreed. When he was here he suggested that we go out tomorrow afternoon instead, and I said I would. My nerves have been really spotty lately so I'm hoping I'll be all right tomorrow, but in the time since he was here, I've been starting to feel light headed and a slightly dizzy. I think I've had too many salty foods this week and I'm probably just a bit dehydrated. Hopefully a couple of glasses of water will help. Every week my nerves and neurosis give me a new obstacle course to maneuver through.

► So sad to see that over. My friend SatyQ completed the last sketch of our current sketch deal today: Red Sonja. She looks great! After he sent me the scan he said he'd collect and put the sketches aside to mail to me later (after the Canada Post crap is over). That's when I ended up screwing myself over. I listed the 7 sketches and SatyQ said I forgot one. Turns out that there had been a misunderstanding at some point and he did another sketch back in 2009 of a non-nude Zatanna that was put aside for me. After clarifying the mix up, it was decided that he'd keep and ink the sketch because he's been wanting to ink it for some time. That means I talked myself out of an 8th drawing! Ah well. Maybe we'll work out another sketches for plot/story ideas in the near future. I hope so, because I still don't have a Ms. Marvel sketch by him (and she's my second favourite superheroine). Here's Sonja (I'd love to see the sketch with flaming red hair):

Russell Crowe to Play Jor-El in Man of Steel! - Now that I was not expecting. I'm surprised, and grateful, it's not an actor in his 50s or 60s. For some reason Hollywood tends to think Jor-El should have been an old man when Kal-El was born.

LOOK: Captain America In His USO Costume - Sure, the classic costume looks lame when you purposely make it awful. I still think it could have worked for the movie.

How Star Trek: Generations Should Have Ended - I think Kirk should be carrying Spock, but that's just me.

see more Lol Celebs

Quote of the Moment

Pablo Neruda: Man has no business with the simplicity or complexity of things.
- Il Postino: The Postman (1994)

superman, redheads, captain america, politics, family, sketches, canada, star trek, agoraphobia, red sonja, mail, animated gifs, lolz, zatanna, government, ms marvel, legal crap, movies, casting, nerves, apartment, costumes, satyq, 1940s

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