No Idea If It's Coming Or Going

Feb 13, 2011 16:43

► Hahahaha, oh man! Last year there was an art book published dedicated to Adam Hughes' work. The book is titled Cover Run: The DC Comics Art of Adam Hughes. It was listed on Amazon as "Not Yet Released" and available for pre-order for many, many months, even long past it's actual release date. Eventually the book was switched to "Temporarily Out of Stock" with an option to order the book with the chance that they'll send it once it becomes available. To sum up, the book has never been listed as in stock on the site as far as I know.

This morning, as a lark, I decided to place an order for the book. I figured they'll never send it, and if it ever does become available, I'll be able to finally get a copy. Not surprisingly, I just checked my Amazon account page and it's suddenly listed as "Shipping Soon".

What makes this bizarre, is that it's still listed as "Temporarily Out of Stock" and my order has no shipping or delivery estimates. I have no idea if they actually are preparing to send me the book or not. It seems quite possible to me that they're not.

Oddly, there's still no change on the "Not Yet Shipped" status of my Ms. Marvel volumes 1 and 3 books. I wonder if those will ever actually ship.

► After discussing former Smallville star Sam Jones III's recent legal trouble and upcoming sentencing for drug trafficking:Derek: huh, weird coincidence
Derek: some guy named "Samuel Jones" sent me a hate mail from Comic Art Fans website
Gene: he has to send it before he goes to jail
Derek: haha
Kurt Busiek Re-Teams With Alex Ross For 'Kirby: Genesis' - I need to get this added to my comic book shop pull list (I'm down to 4 titles).

Lindsay Lohan Thinks Necklace Incident Is Ridiculous: Source - That's fair, I think she's pretty ridiculous herself. From the article:'Lohan, 24, pleaded not guilty to a felony charge of stealing a $2,500 necklace. After a stern warning from the judge, the troubled star was released on $40,000 bail Wednesday.

On Thursday the actress Tweeted, "i would never steal, in case people are wondering. I was not raised to lie, cheat, or steal."'
No word on if she was raised to booze, drug and whore around.

► In honour of Valentine's Day tomorrow, The Lonely Man theme from The Incredible Hulk TV series. I felt it appropriate.

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Quote of the Moment

Reverend Johnson: Order, order. Goddamnit, I said "order".
Howard Johnson: Y'know, Nietzsche says: "Out of chaos comes order."
Olson Johnson: Oh, blow it out your ass, Howard.
- Blazing Saddles (1974)

valentine's day, superman, lindsay lohan, celebrities, amazon, books, chat quotes, crime, hate mail, videos, adam hughes, jack kirby, ms marvel, music, legal crap, comic books, the incredible hulk, schadenfreude, alex ross

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