In Which I Reveal My Perversions, Again

Jul 03, 2010 23:06

► Finally baked that frozen cherry pie I bought on Monday. Left it in the oven a little too long, not that's it's really burned or anything. But then my cooking motto is "better over cooked than undercooked".

► For the past week and... well I guess it's been almost a week and a half, I've been mulling over whether to mention something in this here journal. It's nothing too bad, but it does seem rather pathetic and stupid. I ordered some porn online.

Back about 10 to 14 years ago I would occasionally buy the odd issue of Penthouse magazine (I had a Playboy subscription from 1995 to 2002). In the back of the issues at the time there were ads for a company that made solo videos of women. The ads used to contain small thumbnail sized pics of different models' videos that were available, each issue would have different ones. They were sort of like a very dirty version of the figure previews on the back of G.I.Joe packaging.

The ads made an impact on me at the time because they had a share of "natural" women that I wasn't see in Playboy anymore (this being the dawn of the fascist waxing regime we're trapped in). There were a few models I liked, but one in particular stood out to me because of her **ahem** incredibly generous shag carpeting. After I stopped buying magazines I stopped thinking about them until a few years ago when I found out that the company had a website. Since then I check out the site periodically to see what's available, and even get the odd tiny catalog mailed to me. I still thought it'd be neat to get the videos of that one woman I liked.

A few months ago the site rotated all the videos for that one gal back into availability. They often have sales so I decided to ask Dad if it would possibly be possible for me to use his credit card to order them. Now that was an awkward conversation that involved a lot of indirect language and avoiding details of the site other than that it was videos of lone women and of an adult nature. He said he'd think about it and that was basically that. Until 2 weeks ago when the site (which normally has the videos at $19.99 and $17.99 at the lowest during sales) had a buy 4 get 1 free deal. That meant I could get all 5 of the gal's videos. Dad let me order them (I've paid him back).

The order was placed June 24th, and the credit card sale approved on the 25th, so I'm waiting nervously for the package to be delivered. Hoping there won't be any issues with customs or more undelivered missed-deliveries where the mailmen don't bother knocking or buzzing the apartment.

So yes, I've taken a further step into perverted creepy lonely guy land.Matt: Ha, you paid for porn
Matt: idiot
When Is Color-Blind Casting Okay And When Is It Not? - Double standards in society? Surely not!

Colin Farrell Cast As Ozzy Osbourne? - Douchébag extraordinaire Perez Hilton has the scoop, so it much be true!

Theaters Pull "Paranormal Activity 2" Trailer After Complaints Its Too Scary - They've already made a second one? I haven't even seen (or rather noticed, I suppose) Paranormal Activity DVDs in stores. Wouldn't mind seeing it, as I do likes my ghostly and creepy horror stuff.

Could Superman Cure Cancer? Crunching the Numbers - So there, JMS! Although I imagine Silver Age Superman probably could of cured cancer since he had that super science lab in the Fortress of Solitude and was a genius on par with Reed Richards. Just sayin'.

MadTV - Wizard of Oz (Alternate Ending)

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Quote of the Moment

Chris: You're gay?
Bobby: No, I got both my nipples pierced and bought a house in Morocco because I'm John fucking Wayne!
- Rock Star (2001)

Drinking: Brisk fruit punch
Reading: Making Money by Terry Pratchett
Last Watched: Larry King Live (CNN; TV)

horror, superman, babboon ass, ghosts, ozzy osbourne, madtv, dvds, videos, porn, racism, wizard of oz, cancer, casting, perez hilton, society, race, memories, colin farrell, full bush, food

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