Feb 07, 2005 15:24
Sorry about my total absence from the 'net for a while. I was feeling rather horrible and put off answering emails for some days to a couple of lovely people (you know who you are *grovels like a worm for forgiveness*). I think PMS exacerbates all the health problems I have, thus proving that one's hormonal cycle is the root of all evil. I wanted to have some brain power while answering emails and such...trails off weakly. Then we had family company and then my partner was gettng ready to go on a trip.
So I will try to catch up over the next couple of days. On the subject of losing my mind, I pulled out "Barbie Girl" by Aqua (yes, I own the single *blushes furiously*) and was bopping around madly to it. I followed that up with some ABBA and then pulled out a collection of the Pet Shop Boys. I have to say they've done good stuff, but I love the song "Opportunities", because it seems to reflect a lot of stuff about our society. It has such a beautifully cynical edge to it, and you can really dance to it. Well, I can really dance to it.
Picture a Hugh Grantesque style dance. To all of the above.
I really do have good taste in music, but since a certain friend has confessed to liking a certain piece of music, I can only but make my own embarrasing confession. I feel very, very noble now.