The five things I react irrationally to meme

Oct 23, 2004 10:50

Very quickly, since I really loved this idea, but I actually am going to go out and run errands...

I'm also assuming this is all irrationally in the negative sense....

1)Parents who abuse their children in any way, be in physically emotionally, simply not being there for's sore spot that I have learned to control, but I always feel that tug.

1A)Make that people abusing people.

2) Bugs. Large bugs. There are certain parts of the world I'm simply avoiding for this reason.

3) George W. Bush

4) Undecided voters (what, are they living in caves?)

5) Insomnia and physical weakness (In myself, that is)

And what the hell, I will add on 5 things I react with an irrational buzz in the positive sense

1) New music. This gives me a chance to thank ljs for her me-mix that just arrived in the mail. Thank you so much, Hon. My thoughts and hugs are with you, as always.

2) Sugar, specifically anything with chocolate in it. Chocolate and coffee flavor mixed together, that's awesome.

3) People and places I become attached to -- and I am very loyal and emotional over them.

4) Beautiful prose. I am not that skilled at producing it, but I love reading it.

5) Fannish things -- changing depending on what fandom/thing/idea I'm currently intrigued with.

None of the above are in any particular order, and the important stuff would certainly come higher up on the lists :).

New Wes darkness icon brought to me courtesy of cheesygirl
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