This journal is FRIENDS ONLY

Apr 23, 2020 17:52

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-All fic and icons will be kept public. Graphics can be found at apprentice_art . It's public, so no need to join to see anything.
-You must go HERE and tell me which filters you want to be included in. Yeah, I don't even bother with these anymore, I so don't update enough.
-I may not friend you back if I don't think we share enough common interests--my friend's list is pretty crowded as it is, so don't take it personally. However, if you drop me a comment and tell me more about yourself, I'll be more likely to friend you. :)
-Keep the drama to yourself, pretty please. The entire reason for going FO is for to be having no more drama. You start bitchfests? You get cut to the curb. Simple as that.

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