
Oct 14, 2006 23:47

It is very, very late.

Possibly it is even very, very early ( Read more... )

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twostandingby October 15 2006, 07:00:24 UTC
"Nnnope," says Tycho, with serene confidence, and he pauses a moment to negotiate an especially tricky step. " 'S WAILIN'. 'M sure."


rogue_wraith October 15 2006, 07:05:10 UTC
"Well... ... ..." Wedge pauses, evidently having utterly lost his train of thought. "Oh!" He brightens. "Riiight. If you're sure. You're my wingman, so I trust you."

There's a long pause while Wedge tries to figure out why, exactly, Tycho stopped. Then, evidently, it doesn't matter, and Wedge starts singing again.



twostandingby October 15 2006, 07:10:08 UTC
Tycho cheerfully joins in on the noisy chorus, stumbling up the next few stairs. "YOUR WAILIN'LL MAKE SUCH A DIN, YOU'LL THINK Y'NEVER HAD--"



Whether or not Wedge remembers the next word, Tycho does not.


rogue_wraith October 15 2006, 07:15:04 UTC
Wedge carries on, boldly, though whether the words he remembers are the right ones is up for debate.


Also, very loud.

As is the thud when he trips over his own feet and falls to his knees on the landing.

"Tycho! I found the end of the stairs!" Wedge is clearly focusing on seeing the positives in life.


twostandingby October 15 2006, 07:19:33 UTC
Tycho still possesses enough of his faculties to realize that that? Was damn funny. And so, in short order, there is a colonel sliding to the floor against the wall at the top of the stairs, laughing helplessly. (Thankfully, he doesn't try to lean against the wall just a little farther to one side; if he had, he would have undone all the hard work that getting up the stairs took.)


rogue_wraith October 15 2006, 07:23:08 UTC
Wedge blinks at him with solemn dignity... that is to say, owlishly, and very drunk.

"I c'mand that y'stop laughin'. S'an order." He slurs, frowning in concentration. He can't remember commanding being this hard. Possibly it is the trip up the stairs, wearing him out.


twostandingby October 15 2006, 07:27:44 UTC
"What c'n I say," gasps Tycho through his laughter, "-- 've always been a turncoat." He lets his knees straighten, as he cracks up all over again, so that his calves hit the floor, and there's a wince (though he doesn't stop laughing) as a particularly nasty bruise connects hard with the floorboards.


rogue_wraith October 15 2006, 07:32:34 UTC
"No y'not." Wedge argues vehemently, deciding that sitting down is much better than kneeling. Luckily there's enough landing behind him that he lands on solid floorboards rather than empty air. Force knows he doesn't need any more bruises.

"They said y's a traitor." He corrects, sternly. "T A... no. T... R..." This could take a while, folks.


twostandingby October 15 2006, 07:36:13 UTC
Tycho waits patiently.

For all of sixteen seconds.

He interrupts the painstaking spelling, waving Wedge off. "Nah, nah, same diff'rence." Beat. " 'S an E, not a -- whatever y'just said."


rogue_wraith October 15 2006, 07:39:47 UTC
"Is not, you mynock." Wedge retorts.

There's a long silence while he figures out what to say next.

"DREADNAUGHTS! DREADNAUGHTS! DREADNAUGHTS! SO BOLD AN' PROUD AN' BRAAAAAAAVE..." Evidently, singing another fight song is the order of the day.


twostandingby October 15 2006, 07:44:54 UTC
Tycho doesn't join in. On the contrary, he makes a rude noise. "Who likes the Dreadnaughts, Wedge, seria- seriousisil- really."


rogue_wraith October 15 2006, 07:49:14 UTC
"I like'em." Wedge points out, puffing out his chest. "'Cause they're Corellillian. Ian. Thing. They beat y'wussy Skullcrackers, dinnit they?"


twostandingby October 15 2006, 07:51:03 UTC
"Th' had the better name," Tycho says mournfully, shaking his head. "An' the better stats. They should've won."


rogue_wraith October 15 2006, 07:53:45 UTC
Wedge... kinda misses out of the content of Tycho's lament, but he undertands the tone well enough.

"Don'be sad. Shouldn't be... sad. 'Cause y'my friend. S'best friend. I love you, man." He asserts, frowning in his awesome seriousness.

Yes, we've progressed to this portion of tonight's entertainment.


twostandingby October 15 2006, 08:00:42 UTC
Tycho, in the face of the awesome seriousness-- laughs.

Not on purpose!

He leans across the hall, still chuckling at nothing in particular, to clap Wedge on the boot. "L'love y'too. Best frien'."

A pause, and now that he's leaning forward, leaning back against the wall again is going to be problematic.

"Def'nitely beat y'at smashball, th'."


rogue_wraith October 15 2006, 08:05:58 UTC
"Y'drunk." Wedge observes, accurately. "I beat you. Beatcha butt inta th'ground." He snickers, terribly amused with the mental image that brings up. "Y'buttless!"


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