Good Day ^-^

Jun 08, 2007 23:49

So Dan and I got together after school for the first time since the after-prom party. Originally, he was going to come over to my house right after school, but another couple who we are friends with wanted to have a double date. We would go to our friend Mike's house, and then Austin, the guy of the other couple, would drive, him, Laura (his grilfriend), Dan and myself to the movies. I contacted my mother but she started to flip out because she didn't know Austin and she didn't want me to go in the car of someone she didn't know. Grr... anyway, Dan and I decided that we would go to this store that he has been wanting to show me for a while, so I told my mom that she should pick us up there (I can't drive on my own yet. Dammit). But what she didn't know was that I went over to Mike's house first to help bring back Laura's tv which he borrowed for the after-prom party :P I drove over in Austin's car to Mike's, Mike and Dan went and got the tv and put it in the car, and then they walked over to Laura's house while Laura, Austin, and myself drove. We arrived at the house before they did, so we got to play with Laura's new kitten (^.^ OMG cutest thing EVER). When they did show up, I find that my new boyfriend is now shirtless, and, holy crap, I can't explain it here. It's just too hard to explain the curves of his muscles. I swear, it was a *drool* moment :D Even more so when after he dropped off the television, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. Alajefvgalenvafesv......
So, Austin then drove Mike, Dan, and myself over to La-Tee-Da, the clothing store that has the most amazing stuff and prices. I then called my mom to say that she should start coming to pick us up (it takes about 15 minutes to get from my place into town). Eventually, I come out of there with 2 new tops, a new pair of pants, and a new necklace. Dan got a new shirt.
We came home, and I showed Dan around (the plane, the pool, etc.), we watched a movie and some music videos, and then I showed him Resident Evil 4. I must say, the first time I ever heard him whimper was when I took out the infinite rocket launcher and started shooting infected villagers in the groin. Hehehe. His parents then came and took him away. Not before he let me borrow his necklace. Apparently within the first month of a relationship, Dan gives a girl a necklace. So since he hasn't gotten me one yet, he let me borrow the one around his neck. "If you need me and I'm not around, with this I will be around for you" he said as held held the necklace and my hand. He's not as much as a toughie as he like's to show. He is a romantic and I can't wait for the summer. It's going to be great :)
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