I should be in bed.

Oct 03, 2006 23:02

I should be in bed so that I can get the normal healthy eight hours of sleep before waking up for my 8 am class on critical theory. But here we are. I have taken some wal-fed to unclog my nasal cavities, and I'm feeling restless now.
I started my new job today. All is well in the business of being a secretary for the state (sadly not the secretary OF state, that would probably pay better) but nevertheless, I'm liking it. I just have about a million rules and regulations to memorize and a bunch of extentions, and then I'll be set.
I talked to my spanish professor today about the chance of still getting an A in the class, and he told me "you're not going to get an A" just blatently out like that. I didn't really know how to react because I thought he would at least try to understand where I was coming from in that the only times I've missed were for a family death and car trouble 2 hours away, and yet he just shot me down. But the man is obviously a bastard, and now I'm going to put effort into trying to prove him wrong. Step one: do really fantastically on the quiz on friday. yeah, we'll see how that goes.
Other than that, no news except that my boyfriend and I had an arguement over how he would put bow hunting before being at the birth of his children. That's just wrong.
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