Fanfiction: Ludwig Revolution & Island

Feb 06, 2008 02:23

Series: Ludwig Revolution
Characters: Prince Ludwig, Wilhelm
Prompt: Money
Rating: G
Beta: Jusuve
Note: for
lunare_valhart  who gave me those crazy prompts ^^

Gib den Inhalt deines Cuts hier ein.


Sometimes people asked Wilhem why he just was staying with prince Ludwig. It got Will to think for a few minutes usually. Why was he following the eccentric prince on his wild goose chase for a fitting princess to marry as dedicated as he was?

It was because of all the times Louie went on a shopping trip and somehow, miraculously, some ill-fitting clothes would show up along the new purchases which were coolly handed over to Will. It was strange how regularly prince Louie would make such ill-fitted buys and how all those loose pieces would not only fit Will perfectly, but also always ended up turning out as something very fashionable and comfy though not better than the prince´s outfit.

It was because the prince never bothered with the same female twice, but there was only one servant whose name he would always remember and call for.

It was because of the scar that prince Ludwig had got when he had blindly risked his own life in order to safe that of a low servant boy many years ago.

It was because Louie always pushed him around without ever bothering to explain things for once, yet how Will never got hurt no matter how messed up the situation was. (Unless if it was his own fault  chasing after certain childhood friends turned manical professional hitwomen).

..or maybe it was because it was Wilhelm to be  called for by the prince in the scarce moments when he felt lonely; because it was only Will who was allowed to see him like that.

But Will isn´t eloquent like that. Will is still the same more or less naïve Will who had met and decided to become the lonely spoiled prince´s first follower years before, so he just smiles and laughs a little awkwardly.

“Well, it´s because Louie is the prince!”

There is no more reason for it than that. Louie was his prince and Will believed in him, even if nobody else might have. Louie was the prince and he had chosen Will as the one he depended on. No money in the world could weight up for that.

Series: I.s.l.a.n.d_rp
Characters: Sword (Devil & Devil), Honjou Matsuri (Sikusho)
Prompt: free candy
Rating: PG for Sword´s foul mouth
Beta: Jusuve

Gib den Inhalt deines Cuts hier ein.

Free Candy~

One might think that one were to pick up some rules of survival after staying in such a strange place as the island was. For example, always first check what exactly is growing on a tree before you try and do something to it that might make the ´fruits´ come down.

Unfortunately Devil Sword hasn´t ever been known for picking up on new rules very quickly.

..which might have been one of the reasons why he was currently buried underneath a giant pile of sweets that was big enough to hide his entire body save the head.

“Arrrrgh-!! Of all this stupid.. fucking…-!!” Okay, so maybe punching the next-best tree to vent his pent-up frustrations had also had to do with it. But what the heck, it was the island´s own bloody damn fault! Bringing him here without having his rival to vent his anger on was a bloody invitation for masses of random destruction, if you asked Sword. (Which nobody ever did, but whatever.)

It wasn´t like he missed the stupid angel with his stupid smiles and stupid healing and shielding powers and stupid ways of always making Sword calm down somehow or something.. He just wanted someone he could properly beat down upon and who wouldn´t immediately call up the whole fucking place to avenge them!! No, Ios would fair and squarely aggravate him beyond reason and then they would try to run each other through with their swords again. (or whatever else came at hand, both devil and angel could be rather creative at that part.)

But because the stupid angel bastard wasn´t there Sword was now caught underneath a bloody lot of sweets and could do nothing but swear and shout until hopefully somebody finally wondered what all the commotion was about and would find him.

Sword just trusted on his natural hell-ish charm to get whatever person found him to help.

“Whoa, who´s-?”  Well, that was quick. A shadow of somebody lean  with long blond hair falls over the devil-turned-human´s field of vision and for a very short moment Sword believes that the stupid place had somehow fulfilled his wish and had brought that annoying angel bastard Ios over to find him like that. (And no, he was not happy about it. Not even a little bit and not for a second, you get that?!)

Then the Ios look-alike starts smiling a really dazzling smile and brings out a camera.

“That pose´s fantastic! Just stay like that a moment and then I´ll help you out, okay?! <3”

Rule No. 1 on Island: Whatever happens, there are still plenty of people around that can make it get worse.   

island-rp, devil & devil, ludwig revolution, prompts, fanfiction

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