No I am not dead, I've just been busy :-)
So I had Thai on Dec. 23rd and since then my days have been jam packed with doing the "Mom thing" and I'm loving every second of it. All in all Thai's birth was an easy one (well as easy as labor can be) I started having contraction while making dinner (at around 8:00 PM), timed them until dinner was done, shut the oven off and told Nick it was time to go to the hospital. I don't think he really believed that I was in labor because he kept asking me if I was sure and I heard him tell Jimmy (who luckily enough was over for dinner and therefore on hand to drive me to the hospital) "Well I guess we can grab some Mcdonalds later IF this is even the real thing" Jerk :-) always thinking of his stomach! lol.
Well much to his surprise they admitted me and told me that I was already at 7cm (in case you didn't know you have to be at 10cm to have a baby). A few hours later they put me in the birthing chair and a couple of pushes later and I had Thai, all 6lbs 12 oz of her :-)
Oh and for those of you who are curios, Nick DID get his Mcdonalds. No hard feelings though because he brought me chicken nuggets. Granted I threw them up almost immediately but I guess it's the thought that counts.
After a 3 day stint in the hospital (which is actually considered a short stay here in Japan)we brought Thai home.
Fast forward. My mom came and stayed with us for 2 weeks which was nice and the Essex didn't pull out for a while so Nick was home until Thai was a little under a month old which was GREAT. What can I say, I like having the guy around! Mom left and the boat pulled back in...and I got married. That's right as of Feb 1st Thai is now (at least partially)legitimate :-). Three days later the boat pulled back out again.
Now It's just Thai, Tank, Tut, Timmy and Tommy(Sheena died :-( at home. Well at least we have cable now! lol I also got a house telephone line installed and we should have internet in the next 2 weeks and I've got both Besty and The Blackbird up and running ready to be hooked up to X.I.F.H.L.(Betsy is my PC and The Blackbird is one of our laptops). It's all very exciting. Needless to say I'm NEVER bored, between the animals and Thai someone is always looking for attention.
Yesterday Thai went in for her 2 month appointment, she now weighs a whopping 11lbs and is quite the little charmer as you can expect. She has commplete controll over all of her head movement, sucks her thumb, can lock her knees when proped up and we are working on crawling. She's almost got it down. Her are some pic's I took of her this week:
Let me know what you think! I of course think she's perfect but then again what parent doesn't?! lol.
Nick's not scheduled to pull back in for an other couple of months and I was hoping to go home but the VISA/BIRTH ABROAD people are giving me a hard time so I don't think that's going to happen :-( which totally stinks.
Well I should prob. go, it's payday which means I've got bills to pay and groceries to buy! lol
(Soory about all the typo's and spelling errors but Thai is napping and I'm trying to get this done before she wakes up which means there is no room for proof reading!)