Today's Word: Fossick (Verb)
Pronunciation: ['fa-sik]
Definition 1: To search for gold in a disorganized manner, especially in
abandoned mines.
Definition 2: To fossick about: to rummage around for something, to nose about.
Usage 2: Here is a concept susceptible to quite a bit of regional variation. In
the northern and western U.S. the term is "rummage." In Australia and New
Zealand today's word seems to prevail. In the southeastern states "plunder" is
Suggested Usage: Well, one can fossick about in a drawer for a sharpened pencil
or fossick about the shells on the beach for sharks' teeth. Even dogs may
fossick about the yard for yesterday's bone. Closets are a good place to fossick
about for just about anything (if yours are like mine).
Etymology: The origins of this word are passing mysterious. It apparently comes
from a British dialect, probably Cornish.
-Dr. Language,
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