Oh my god still so drunk/sick. Ugh. I think I had a grand total of 12 shots of vodka...maybe more. And that's why Lindsay is swearing off of alcohol for the next week. Yay for detox. But a complete one I think is in order. So I have to get my last bit of Hassan's in tonight, because after today, no more fried food, caffeine, sweets, etc. etc. for at least a week. Yeah, my body is screaming for it. CLEANSE ME it says.
Entz was actually really cool...there were about a million school girls, a fair amount of devils (myself included because it was the cheapest I could go), and a few vampires. Oh, and a Monica Lewinski (how's that for scary?). And the music was actually pretty good too. Everyone was out there dancing. Oh, and Jessica looked sooo awesome as Medusa!! I really wish I'd gotten a picture. Brought the camera along and didn't take one damn picture.
So tomorrow night I'm not really doing anything. I might pop over to my friend Theo's room so I can watch a couple scary movies (and hopefully meet his new man!), then come back here and chill. Sleep will be out of the question for awhile given some of the people in my staircase. I swear, the guys here are five years old. Last night I walk out and I hear "A civilian! Cease fire!!" They were playing with these little laser gun things all over the staircase. Scared the crap out of me and anyone else unlucky enough to happen around a corner they were hiding behind. So somehow I don't think the actual night of Halloween will be that different.
OK, off to try and revive myself. Seriously feeling very ill, but I had to post today because I need to semi-focus on something right now. I guess the next thing to semi-focus on is food....mmm...bread. And water. Geez, you drink one (or eight) too many and suddenly you're in your own little prison.
Later kids.
P.S. - Pictures are going up!