Jun 01, 2005 23:23
Well, It seems that these changing plans for my Grad Excursion are falling apart. At this point, I will most likely either not be going, freeloading at someone's house on short notice, or staying in a hotel room that I cannot afford. Also, I will have no ride to and from the hotel to Culver, because I don't have a car, and no one has room in their car for me. Oh well, screw it, this is too much stress for something that should be fun. If it falls through, then fuck it.
P.S. I may have left my $300 camera at school. I will NEVER forgive myself if I did. I pray to God that I just packed it up with my stuff that is at my sister's house. However, she would not look for it for me. Please let it be there with my stuff........ Also, I found out that my family is going back to D.C. to be with my sister while she undergoes her surgery. She is having surgery on Thursday, so we are going to go on Monday and stay until SUnday I guess. I am worried, but i have to think happy thoughts. And I am using my worry to derail my frustration towards her about not being willing to look through my boxes to see if my $300 camera is in the boxes at her house.i must enphasize the price because it's fucking expensive. it was a christmas gift, like the only one i got that year, and i love it like a child................and nobody fucks with my kids............
I also found out that one of my friends life just recently made a wonderful turnaround. He is no longer in his homophobic environment, and he is in a great work and home environment. Hurray for him. I could not be happier.