Troy is one hott movie......

May 30, 2005 22:28

Tonight I saw Troy for the first time, and I must say, I am very impressed. I think that it was a very good depiction. Also, although I do not share the rest of the world's obsession with Orlando Bloom (but his body was niiiiice), Brad Pitt is fucking SEXY AS HELL when naked and tanned. I only wish that I could see more than just his ass, although it is a thing of beauty, and should be praised.......mmmmmmmm....Brad Pitt's ass.........

I can't wait to see my Culver friends!!! Friday is soo close. But also I found out that I am going back to D.C. on Monday to be with my sister for the week while she goes into her surgery. I guess she has fibroids, and wants to get them removed while she can still have kids. Apparently it's a pretty routine thing, but i am still very afraid for her. Hope everything goes ok. Wish her luck!
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