Fuck it. And her. And you.

Feb 05, 2012 14:25

I give up. I did everything I could. I dropped everything at a moment's notice to be there for her. I took her calls every three hours, all night long, letting her hang up when someone more important called, only to call me back fifteen minutes later. I cleaned my house for her, my car, used up all my gas for her, just so she could get a break from her kids a few times. Took her to the hospital, held her hand during her miscarriage of a baby to yet ANOTHER guy who doesn't give a shit about her. And now, because I've been sick for three days, I haven't even HEARD from her. I am so fucking SICK of always giving and never getting. The human race is FUCKED. Nothing more than maggots, feeding on the dead flesh of others. I hate it. But more than that, I hate myself for constantly letting myself be convinced that this one is different, or that one can change, or that I'm just being negative and should give people another chance. FUCK THAT! You have all officially had your last chance. I wash my hands of all of you, all of them, everyone. I will NOT be there when she needs me, you need me, they need me. I'm done. Over the edge, and I'm not coming back. I don't even want to think about what's she's doing tonight, or next weekend when we were supposed to go out. I don't want to know what people who claim to be "friends" are doing anymore. I don't care. And I never will again. I'm officially out.
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