So, I decided to get over the rants and post some of my works here! Yay! So, what do I have for you in this post?? Icon textures! Yes, its for all the graphics craze out there. Just lick the link at the bottom. Though I do have some problems though. On how to change your layout in LJ. I have found some interesting layouts in the net but I can't seem to make it work! LJ layout systems is so damn cluttered that it seriously gave me a brain damaged a while ago when I tried to change the layout! So, I just used a default theme then. Any of you who are an experts when it comes to LJ, I would probably want to learn a thing or two from you! I check out some of the FAQs, tried things out and the layout doesn't work the way I want it to be. Credit goes to Masterjinn for this baby!
Download Here So, here are all the textures.
Download Here Have fun downloading!