Jul 28, 2008 13:22
The house was shown -again yesterday. My husband calls me at 10:30 asking when I had to go to work and whether I could clean the house beforehand as they wanted to show it later that day. It seemed like a good idea but my back hurt like hell when I reached work an hour later.
The house has been looked at REPEATEDLY and shown by different realtors. I know it's a piece of crap but it's a TRAILER -they're all pieces of crap. WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE BUY THIS PLACE SO I CAN GO *HOME*?! Yeah it needs work but not as much as it did a year ago. Andy's put a lot of work into this place.
*Sigh* Oh, I got a "raise" from the hell petsmart place, a whole 23 cents -not 20, or 25, but twenty-THREE. Cheapasses. The only reason I think it was that much was because I've been there for a year, heh.
I woke up this morning having this nagging feeling that Babe was dead. She wasn't, she was sitting behind the microwave sunning in the sun from the window.
I'm planning a trip for Andy, myself and the dog up to see Liz sometime in September. If I have my way, the sooner the better. Andy's promised me we'll go up and see her before we go back to Cali.
And. . . back to WOW.