184 days, 3 hours, 16 minutes, and roughly 20 seconds till OotP
Leave it to mugglenet to have a counter for OoTP that is precise to the exact secon, gotta love that. IM majorly psyched up to the max. It's seems that ill probably have to go to kelowna for hte showing though, cuase with my luck it will be weeks late here, and i cant hadel the extra wait when everyone else will have already seen it.
Just about finished reading Aragon, then ill go ahead and read some harry potter.. IM gonna read the 6th one though, cuase if i read the 5th, hten ill be critical of the movie and get mad when they mess up. As it is, i havent read the fifth one since september of last year (2005), so it should be really easy to ignore problems cuase i will have forgotten most of them by then hopefully. HP OWNS!
BTW, for anyone who is completly out of hte loop or for some reason has had no reason to look it up, the name of the seventh book was released a while ago, and it is...
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Anyhow, check out the site
http://mugglenet.com/My favorite question on the page has to be: " How is Hogwarts fighting childhood obesity without Phys Ed?" is just son incredibly randome and amusing ^_^
BTW its Snapes birthday, not that it matters lol
AS well, another mugglenet random fact...
For those of you who hadn't noticed, the title was released on the winter solstice. Recall in OOTP: "...at the solstice will come a new... and none will come after..." At the winter solstice, the new title was revealed, however, no more will be released.