Dec 26, 2006 22:16
So life in the great white north.. obviously, not exactly the highlight of my life.. it snowed alot here last month.. it hasnt majorly snowed in many weeks but thast a bad thing..
your wondering, how hte hell can no snow be a bad thing.. haha well were in whats called a chinook (shi-nook)
Which basically means that hte temperature right now is nice, somtimes in the plus section of the thermometor, unfortunatly, what happens when the chinook ends, is that hte weather drastically drops back down in the negatives... last month, for a couple of days it was -43 with hte wind chill..
Oh my friggen god eh
Oh well, on january first im finally going to kelowna for a week, i cant wait to see everyone.. im flying down, which im excited about, casue ive only been flying once before, and i thought it was great lol..
Hopefully all goes well while im there.. its pretty inconveninet to not have a car to drive myself, but i can handel busses i suppose lol.
Hmm, well still single as ususal.. met a couple poeple that i like, but not surprisingly, there strait.. this town is disgustingly homophobic, but i juist keep my thoughts to myself as much as possible..
Work is pretty hectic. i worked 11 days strait (the last 5 were closes) just to get 6 days off for christmas, and that week of in january, all though the store is closed for half of the 2 week total, and closed at 5pm on 2 of the days, so im not acutlaly takeing of as much time as it sounds like im taking.. its nice ot have a holiday, and christmas is my favorite time of year. I stil hate my job, and alwyas will, but im sticking with it for as long as it takes
In July, i intend to take off to Europe and audtralia for 3 months, and i need money to pay for the trip, so i cant exactly quit anytime soon. Im so incredibly excited.. since i dont knwo what i want to do in my life, im travelling which was my major goal.. and then when i get back, ill start thinking about collage, but i dont know if that will happen anytime soon.. Im just not motivated, becuase i dont know what i want to do with my life, so i dont want to spend all of that time and moeny for taking random courses, if they arnt going to help me in any way in my future.. maybe ill eventually decide what it is that i want, and hten perhaps ill go back to school... personally i enjoyed highschool, but i really dont belive that collage will be the same in any way, and i dont think i would ever enjoy being there.. we will se i guess..
Hopefully in january, my parents and i will be moving in to a place of our own.. currewntly, we live down stairs from my step sister and her bf, and i dont rreally care for it much, i alwyas feel like im invading or somting.. when hte 3 of us move, hopefully ill be paing less for rent and stuff, and hten it will be easier to save for eurpose, and when i come back form there ill only have to save as little bit more and hten ill have enough to move back to hte great Okanagan Vally, where i plan to live out the rest of my days, becuase that is diffinatly my favorite place in the world.. well so far.. i havnt seen europe yet lol.