Due to some other requirements on my time, I did not get as much game time in on Monday as I would have liked.
I finally got a chance to learn and play
Brass. This is a good game about the industrial revolution in England. This is definitely a game where the first game you play is about learning the mechanics and later working on the strategies. I definitely would like to play a few more times to gain a better grasp and try a few new things.
Next, I was invited to play another prototype. This one is pretty much ready to go and I think it will be getting picked up for publishing. Just about everyone who has played it has really enjoyed it.
Following that game, we headed upstairs to the reception for some socializing time. It is amusing how small our world is... One person I was talking to apparently used to game with
thewhitedragon, lo some *mumble* years ago.
After the reception I played another round of the aforementioned prototype and was a bit tired so went up to the room to take a break for a while.
Later on I went back downstairs and played a game of
Rattlesnake. This is a silly dexterity game using the rounded hematite magnets sometimes called zingers. There is a game board with snakes of various colors all over it. You roll a die and that determines what color snake you have to place a magnet on without causing it or any previously placed magnets to touch. The name obviously comes from the sound they make when they impact each other.
Lastly, someone had brought out a copy of
Battling Tops. A couple of us really showed our age in reliving our childhood. It was a hilarious game with Friedemann Friese cheering on his green top "Hank" with much enthusiasm.