February licenseartistic prompt

Feb 07, 2008 22:46

Title / Prompt: Tango/"And I envied the rose that you held in your teeth, love. With the thorns underneath, love, sticking into your gums." ----Tom Lehrer, from "The Masochism Tango"
Character: Roger Smith
Warnings: None
Pairings: Roger/Satine
Fandom: Big O
Word count: 234
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Many Japanese and American companies own him.
Author's Note: This is the Roger I RP with. Very little canon here and if Satine is out of character, Satine!mun can kick me and make me write it right.

It's been a long time since he danced the tango. At least, the formal dance. But she is dressed in crimson, the color of passion, so he feels the need for passionate dancing. Her firey hair swirls as she performs the Molinette, passionately falling into his arms as they return to the "walk". The rose in her teeth doesn't even twitch as her lips curve into a sensual smile only for him.

They learned different styles. Though in Paradigm City, it never had a name, it's a style similar to "Salon Tango" - formal, more structured, very smooth. Hers is the "Tango Canyengue" - short stepped, stiff and closed. However, as they always do, they've learned to adapt to each other's style. The modern version danced at the tango bars suit both of them.

It's foreplay on wood, in the company of others and it's sweet torture to be spinning so close, but be unable to do more wrap his hand around her waist and guide her through the next walk. Her green eyes flash wicked messages to him. Her body is lovely sin, wrapped in red stetch velvet. His mouth closes on hers briefly, long enough for the thorns of the rose to dig into his tongue as he captures it from her. The pain is just enough to take the edge off of what was about to be a very embarassing erection.

Maybe next time he'll take the thorns off.

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