Jun 14, 2012 15:54
Update on what is now, all over France, known as 'Le Tweet'. For the story continues, and gets juicier. This morning, on the highly respectable radio station France Inter, one of the editors passed on what she had heard from people who work at the Presidential palace, L'Elysée. Tuesday morning, it seems, just after President Hollande had published his complete support of official Socialist candidate Ségolène Royal in the riding of La Rochelle, he got a phone call from his 'compagne', Valerie Trierweiler. Apparently her fury virtually melted the phone lines. The conversation got so heated that not overhearing it became impossible. VT was livid that her presidential partner should go out of his way to support his former partner, and -- we are told -- ended the conversation by shouting 'You're going to see what I'm capable of'. Shortly afterwards, 'Le Tweet' appeared, like a virtual dumdum bullet.
A little later, I heard SR speaking in her riding, and -- most unusually for her -- she sounded genuinely shattered. It's hard for a parachutist to land and find that it's not only the natives that are shooting . . .
François Hollande,
valerie trierweiler,
Ségolène Royal