I love The Daily Show's
Operation: Silent Thunder videos. They've been getting a lot of press, haven't they? (And much of it comprised of astonishment over the fact that one can find humor in a war zone. Yeah, like soldiers are known for having
no sense of humor whatsoever.)
Today's big 'aha!' moment: I've finally figured out how to play fetch with my dog! See, she's kind of (very) stupid, and I say this in the fondest way possible. Her one self-appointed mission in life, it seems, is to bark psychotically whenever she sees us about to take out the trash, and then run frantically to the fence above the big garbage container outside, to presumably guard us from the garbage container monsters.
When it comes to fetch, she understands the concept of catching, but of ever returning the object? Not so much. She just waits for you to come to her and then runs away, hoping you'll chase her. As if I got a dog so I could stay in shape.
Today, I noticed two tennis balls lying around, where previously there was one. I threw her he one ball; she chased it happily, caught it, and returned to one meter away from me, holding the ball between her jaws. I then threw the other ball behind her. You could see, for just a moment, the conflict in her eyes: is there enough room for two tennis balls in my mouth? Can I run and still hold one? Or - and this is actually far more likely - tennis ball!, forgetting she was even holding one in the first place. In any case, she dropped the ball and chased the second, returned that one to me, dropped the second at my feet when I threw the first away again, and so on and so forth.
I might also mention that a tennis ball is about the size of half her face, which makes this that much more adorable.
Oh, Angie. So easily distracted.